Friday, July 31, 2009

We lost our hamster. Do you think she will come back? Would she go down a hole in the floorboard?? Help?

hamsters are unpredictable.i would keep on looking 4 him
why are u on the computer when you should b lookin for her!
she should come back you shouldn't get to worried she will get hungry and thirst fast
she might chew a hole because that's what my Gennie pigs did so you might get him back just keep a eay on him good luck
Unfortunately she would. My friend lost her hamster and he died when he crawled into the wall and got stuck. Try leaving a trail of hamster food leading to her cage...leave the cage in an open area with the door open...if she gets hungry/thirsty enough she might come back.
Believe it or not, most hamsters WILL return to their cages if they can! Make sure she can easily climb back in, leave plenty of food and water in her cage, and wait.
We have a 2 year old Hamster. She has escaped about 6 times and has always come back or we find her in a closet or behind the refrigerator.
Best to listen for her at night when they are most active.
this is what me and my bro did we put food in the middle of the living room or whever u think she may be but only do this at night and one room at a time in the night wait if she doesnt come out sry but shell smell the food and come running to the food for any more questions send me an email
She might, but she might not. And yes she would go into the hole. Crazy but many hamsters come back to their cages, I lost my hamster for about 2-3 days, I heard her at night scratching from inside my bathroom wall, but there was no way I could get to her. I put her cage on the floor where she could get back to it and sure enough one morning I walked into my computer room and she was laying in her nest at the top of her cage! Don't lose hope, keep looking!
Good luck I hope she comes home!
ummm depends, my brothers gerbil went down the vent and came back up so we caught her a couple days later ummm my other hamster some how got out of its cage and we found it a week later mutated or something so depends were you lost it and when and depends how loose your floor boards are.
We have had allot of hamsters missing . I would get a bowl and put some treats in it . Or get it's cage if it's a cage you can climb on and put it on the floor . when I lost my mouse I did this and found my mouse in it's cage just kindda chillin on it's wheel haha make sure if you have cats don't let them in.. Watch out for couches because the hamsters that ran away lived in it .. Awful!!
My sons was missing for 2 days we left his cage in the middle of the floor with the door open and he came back to eat. we found him sitting in his cage munching down
put her cage on the floor with the door open in the room you kept her in, put food on the floor, and yes they will go in holes or create one.

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