Friday, July 31, 2009

Vitamins for my guinea pig?

I am thinking about buying thi product:LM Animal Farms Daily Liquid Multi-Vitamins for Guinea Pigs. I was wondering if I really needed it or if my piggie could live without it. The reviews are good ( you can find them on but I am not sure I really need it.
Not multi vitamins but definitely add Vitamin C to the diet. Unless you know the content of vitamin C in the fruits and vegies you are feeding and the g.p. is eating the right amount EVERY DAY, he will be deficient. It is easy to add a chewable tablet or liquid drops to his diet daily. They need about 25-50mg a day. Lack of the right amount of Vitamin C is the biggest reason g.p.'s get sick.
NO NO NO!! Please do not feed a guinea pig multi vitamins. They do not need it and it can be down right dangerous. The ONLY vitamin that MIGHT need to be supplemented is vitamin C. That's only if your pigs aren't getting vitamin C rich veggies. If you do supplement vit. c, use pure vit C tablets or drops. No mulitvitamins. It is VERY easy to overdose your pig with multivitamins and kill him.
yes, but the vitamin C ones are the imporant ones not the multi ones they do need them even though it doesn't shoe but they can have future problems with their bones like the feet mostly that is how my last guinea pig died from not getting enough vitamins so yes you really need them and also make sure they have a chewign block so that their teeth stay in order or they can die that way 2..
Guinea pigs don't absolutely NEED vitamin C tablets/pills/drops, etc. As long as you feed them fresh fruits and veggies every night, and vitamin C supplemented in their pellet food, their fine. (The vitamin C is already in the pellets when you buy them) Please don't add vitamin C drops to their water, as this will make it taste funny, and your guinea pig will refuse to drink, causing weight loss, serious illness, and even death. You can, however, use vitamin C tablets that you crush up and put in their food. I've answered all your other questions, and you really need to do some more research on piggies. Here are some GREAT sites:
Read EVERYTHING on the site, if you have time.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
with a well-balanced diet, guinea pigs don't need any vitamins.
also, in light vitamin c evaporates out of the water fairly quickly so the vitamins would be more or less pointess.
I wouldn't buy them. They can make their water taste funny and they may not drink as much and get sick! They make vitamin c tablets, but as long as u give them pellets, timothy hay, and fruits and veggies they should be fine! So yes your guinea pig can and should be able to live without them.
No no no no no vitamin water or vitamins, salt licks, wheels, rolling balls. Your guinea pig will be fine if you give him one cup of vegetables daily. If you add those drops to the water, it might make them not want to drink, and they will eventually dehydrate.
On a regular balanced diet including GP pellets, Timothy Hay and Vitamin C drops with fresh fruits and veg daily, no Cavie needs additional vitamin drops. It unbalances a balanced diet. You do not need it. You seem like a loving and responsible Cavey owner, keep up the good work.

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