Thursday, July 30, 2009


How many babies do they have cause since 2 girls will fight to death i cant get that so.. i do want babies so i can have more and take care of the family wont dies so i can have pets the rest of my life/childhood
noo i wont put the cute little babies in a shelter ill take care of the family :D
they can have up to 20 babies. good luck with getting enough cages for them all...
do a lot more research on breeding hamsters before you get them. there is a good chance the mother will eat her babies. can you handle that? do you know how to prevent it? do you know what threat the father poses to his own children?
how old are you anyway? do more research.
start with this website.
i read a story in my local adopt a pet magazine similar to yours except they were guinea pigs. don't do this it will be irresponsible. a woman bought a male and female and at first she thought the babies were cute. the woman ended up with 90 guinea pigs in as little as 3 months. they were in cages allover the house. she eventually had to put an ad in the adopt a pet magazine i had. they reach sexual maturity at 4 weeks of age and they can get pregnant again IMMEDIATELY after giving birth and the brothers will mate with the sisters and the sons will mate with the mom so on so forth. so please get 2 males. there is no way you will be able to keep up with that many hamsters. if you want to see babies then see if you can find a breeder who will sell you 2 males as babies so you can watch them grow. good luck
they breed almost every chance they get- mine had 2 litters of 8 each w/in a few months.
it's crazy fast and not easy to keep up with. you might just stick to 1 unless you can find homes for the off spring
oh just so ya know. the babies will breed with eachother.
ever see the diagram they have at the spca- 1 fem cat makes x babies... they breed and make x babies.
hundreds of babies later-
it's best not to get a mating pair
please dont breed. if u want somthing that will live longer then get a guinea pig. its irrisponsible to breeed just to get more animals for urself. if u want hamsters or any animal really please adopt. those animals need u.
hamsters are solitary animals and prefer to be alone. i think if u want one thats great and then when it dies u can get another. it would be much easier (and less expensive) then buying several cages to put all of the babies in.
they have 4-8 pups

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