Thursday, July 30, 2009

Toys for my rat?

how to make homemad tunnels hammocks and other stuff
I have a few suggestions for you.
1. Tunnels
You can buy duct pipes from a store that sells construction supplies. Make sure that these have atleast a 3" diameter, so that it is enough room for your rat to crawl through comfortably without getting stuck.
2. Hammocks
There are many ways to make a rat hammock, but this one, in my opinion, is the best:
Take a pair of jeans that you don't use anymore (other tough material will work fine) and cut off 6 - 10 inches of the leg. Turn the fabric inside-out, and hold it horizontally. Round open sides with a pair of scissors, so that the bottom of the fabric is narrower than the top. Both sides should be symmetrical. Then, cut off the top, and sew the sides closed. Turn the inside-out fabric back normal again, and sew two pieces of sturdy string to the ends. Then, hang your hammock.
3. Places to hide
Cut holes in cardboard boxes so that your rabbit can climb in and out of. Tissue boxes can also work.
4. Chew Toys
Cardboard, chicken bones, dog buiscits, popsicle sticks, maple twigs, and baby teething toys are good chew toys that can help to keep your rat's teeth down. To keep your rat from chewing things that you don't want him to chew, such as furniture, buy bitter apple spray from the pet shop and spray it on the things you do not want him to chew. is a really amazing site, that can give you more ideas for toys and games to play with your rat. Good Luck!
paper towel rolls ..
used paper towel rollers, toilet rolls, pages from mags, tissue paper, tissue box,
I use toilet roll holders. String them together side ways Mine loves going through them.
Just get a square piece of material and sew a hook on each corner and there your hammock
well..HOME made tunnel hamocks(very popular wit rats)are super easy.
1.cut an old jeans legging to make it look like a tube...
2.Find two strings and feed them throu the tube(seperate a litte so rats can go in...
3.hang on cage to finish!
For tunnells find an old sports sock and cut foot end!

"All rats are Dapper"
For hammocks, we just take a square of cloth, fold one end ver to make kind of a "pocket" %26 use clamps to attach the corners to the top of the cage. We used to buy ferret hammocks but this gets expensive when our girls have them chewed up after a few days (our boys are much better).
We also hang cardboard boxes for them to climb into, which they love. We put tissue boxes on their floor, as they're kind of flimsy for hanging. None of our rats can fit through paper towel tubes anymore but they enjoy dragging them around %26 love playing with paper towels.
When our newest girl was under quarantine I gave her the cap from a can of cooking spray for a temporary food dish-- she kept spilling the food out to play with the plastic cap! She'll carry it around, roll it, even throw it!. She loves it so much that I let her keep it even after introducing her to our other girl.
Cardboard boxes and rolls from paper towels, toilet paper, and other rolls make good toys.Boxes are great for hiding in, though they will often be shredded fairly quickly (but that is fun too).
Another great idea is to take a variety of boxes and other items to create a rat playhouse for enjoyment outside of the cage during playtime. You can tape together a bunch of boxes and create a network of rooms connected by doors, ramps, bridges and ladders. See an example at The Dapper Rat.
Some concerns have been raised about potential toxicity of the ink and glues used in cardboard and paper towel roll cores. Little data is available on the safety of these; I think these items are safe in moderation, but efforts should be made to use plain cardboard or paper whenever possible.
Most rats love shredding paper. Small plain brown paper lunch bags are great for playing in as well as shredding. Crumpled up paper makes a fun, if temporary, ball. Your rats will likely love digging, diving, and hiding in a plastic bin or box filled with crumpled or shredded paper. Paper towels and tissues are also great for shredding, and your rats can make a nice bed out of these too.
Also, try wrapping or folding a piece of paper in layers around a favorite treat; shredding and unwrapping the treat will keep your rat busy for a while.
Wood is good for chewing (and rats need to chew on to keep their teeth in good condition). Make sure wood is untreated, not painted, and non-toxic. Branches from apple or willow trees are good as well (make sure no pesticides have been used).
Hard-shelled nuts provide good chewing opportunities as well as a tasty treat inside (use sparingly as many nuts are high in fats).
Digging Box
Most rats love a digging box. Take a small cat litter pan or other shallow plastic box and fill it halfway with plain sterilized potting soil (not treated with any chemicals or fertilizer, and with no additives like vermiculite). Plant some birdseed or wheat grass and water it for a while to let the seeds sprout and grow for a bit, then let your rats go crazy in the box. To minimize the mess, don't water the box for a day or two before offering it to your rats, and place it a bathtub or spread a tablecloth or newspapers around the box to contain the mess. Your rats will love to dig in the soil and snack on the sprouts or unsprouted seeds.
Tubes and Tunnels
PVC pipe is pretty indestructible, and comes in a variety of sizes and configurations at your local hardware store. You can get a simple straight piece or use a variety of connectors to create a network of tubes. Choose a size you are sure your rats will be able to fit through without getting stuck.
If you are handy with a sewing machine, you can also make great collapsible tubes out of fleece or other sturdy fabrics. You can even sew a ring cut from a plastic bottle or wide cardboard tube into the ends to help hold it open. Sleeves cut off old sweatshirts are also handy tubes/sleep sacks.
Other Containers For Hiding and Climbing
Clean jars and clay plant pots placed on their sides make neat hiding spots for rats. Mini stacking bins (like those meant for office or workshop supplies) make great hiding spots too. Washed coconut shells are also good for hiding, climbing and chewing.
Rats are very agile and like to climb on ropes. You can make little rope ladders and bridges for in the cage. Cotton rope comes in some nice thick widths and is usually available at hardware or horse supply stores. Just make sure the configuration of ropes doesn't post a strangulation risk and that your rats are not unraveling the threads.

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