Thursday, July 30, 2009


Dont think i have much time to explain this but here goes.
My Cheeko is a russian hamster. he is 1yr nd 4months old (which is old for russian hamsters)
This afternoon he was walkin very slow, and nearly falling everywhere. He couldn't eat or drink his food/water fast. He couldn't even get in his bed.
Do you have any advice or anything which may help cheeko? I dont want him to die!
Oh + p.s he's hunchin his back!
Miranda xoxox
i had exactly the same with my hamster !!

take him to the VET
Looks like he wont make the day out. Mine died in my hands, an so did my mates hamster. Hers was a year old, not sure how old mine was as it was such a long time ago. Get ready an say goodbye to him .xx
Poor you and Cheeko, good luck.
flush it down the toilet and get a real man to suck your pusssy
Hope he gets better as a hedgehog I'm used to my family departing. At least I know that he'll be out of pain dear and be in the big great cage in the sky.
Thinking about you.
Hedgy the Hedgehog xxxx
Are you able to tak him to the vet? It may be best to get him looked at ans the vet can help you make a decision thats best for Cheeko.
Hi. Hampsters ofb that age often have tumors. You should have him looked at by an "exotic" veterinarian in your area. If you are close to a veterinary school, that would be best. You need someone who is intimately familiar with the "Exotic" pets as we call the. Dr W. veterinarian
Sounds like it has paralysis:
A common ailment which can be avoided is paralysis. Often the result of a lack of exercise, an afflicted hamster will spend most its time hunched over, often unable to raise its head. Provide a roomy cage, an exercise wheel, or some other activity or recreation to effect a speedy recovery.
Another type of paralysis results from a spinal injury or from a vitamin D deficiency. The first signs are stiffness of the paws, leading to loss of movements in the forepaws, and then slowly to death. Feed your hamster plenty of wheat gem and wheat germ oil. Have your pet examined by a veterinarian.
It has possibly suffered a stroke. The smaller types of hamster are quite susceptible to these. All you can do is go to a vet and see what can be done.
sounds to me like he is an old man and not able to get around much like he used to when he was young just like us, slower and clumsier if there is no tell tale signs he is ill its probably just old age.
I think it's best to take him to the vet. It could be a number of things, but given his age it is difficult to know the outcome.
It would be better if you took him to the Vet today. It does not sound good.
he wont make it, so sorry!
if he's OLD...he's old. Let him pass in peace.
Everything has it's time, everything dies.
I had a Russian dwarf hamster, too. He lived longer than he was supposed to. He walked slow and fell over. He died after 3 years. I'm SO sorry about Cheeko(I luv the name), but he might not live through the day. I hope he does though, it'll give you a little more time to be with him. If he doesn't, at least he's out of his pain. I'm so sorry.
Take him to the vet he may be old but he might just have a cold or something. Although he's only a small pet the vet can still give you advice
Try to make him really comfortable, arranging his cage so that he can do things more easilly. In the meantime you sholud take him to the vets, just to make sur that the little guy will be ok, and so he can get better. If not just ring your vets and ask for some advice. Hope this helps xxx sorry to hear your little guy is ill
It sounds like he's had a stroke.
Sometimes hamsters recover well from strokes.
The best thing to do would be to take him to the vet.
The vet will advice you what would be the best thing to do for him.
One of my hamsters had a stroke and I took her to the vet, he gave her an injection.
Unfortunately the following morning she had another stroke and the vet said that the kindest thing to do would be to put her down.
If the vet advises putting him down, at least Cheeko won't get to the point when he's in pain. Also you gave him a good life. I know you don't want him to die but it would be much worse if he was suffering or in pain.
As I've already said, please take him to the vet to be checked, the vet might not advice putting him down, he might be able to give him an injection or give you some medicine to give him.

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