Friday, July 31, 2009

URGENT!!!! guinea pig.. shy?

when i put my guinea pig on the floor she just sits there. how can i get her to have a wonder nd play with a few toys i have put on the floor??? (small cat balls)
The large area may be intimidating for her right now. I would start her off in a smaller section. Put treats around the area and then let her be. She will eventually start exploring. When she is comfortable in that area, you can make the space bigger.
you can't. When she feels comfortable in her surroundings she won't be as nervous and she will start to play.
I really don't see what is so urgent about this question. Guinea pigs are by nature very cautious animals. It may take some time and patience for your guinea to feel comfortable enough to walk around and play.
well i never seen a guinea pig play with any toys but i have seen some be very loving ! why dont you just pet her and give her some carrots my guinea pig loves carrots and some times she will make little noises to get some carrots its really funny just remember to love and give treats every once in a while and your little piggy will come to love you . and if it is a new pig give it some time to become calm and used to its surroundings before you try to get it to do any thing .
first of all, try putting those toys from the site i gave you in the area. one of the best things you can do is get it a friend!
theres a page on how to introduce them. please, please, please adopt!!!! if you get it a friend, it will be so much happier and you can watch little piggie trains it so cute!
mines just like that and i got a nother giunea pig and it brought her personality out.
Many pigs just like to site around and do nothing, some like to run like crazy. Try fresh food to get her moving, they tend to like things they can eat rather then things they play with.
If it's new to the home it could just be afraid, or like many who are happy with people she could just be perfectly fine sitting around doing nothing.
I have a few pigs who are happy just sitting in one spot even when given the whole room to play in, they simply eat their carrots and watch the world around them. And then others get rather hyper and run around all the time non-stop.
All small animals should go to the vet at least when you first get them and then at least once every three years. You should get her in for a well piggy exam just to make sure she's ok and there's no health reason for her to be so shy.
If you have the room, and have a large home made cage (these are bigger and cheeper then store bought, can make a ten foot by ten foot for under $20) and you know for sure that it's a girl you could try getting her another girl pig friend to play and live with, or a fixed male.
Pigs normally like to live in groups, and they will do more together then alone.
If you call up a local shelter I'm sure they'll have many girl pigs to pick from, as well as at least a few fixed males. Most rescue pigs are still normally under two years old as well.
i think its just her personality some piggys do that
you could try putting hay in toilet paper rolls
Guinea pigs are prey animals so if there is even the slightest bit of noise they freeze up so maybe lay some hay on a large trash bag and lay some treats aroung the play area so that maybe the will feel comfortable also keep a pigloo or a hidey hole for them to run into if the get startled. If you only have one guinea pig maybe you should get another one. I have two females and they love to zip around their cage together and popcorn beside each other. I hope this helps!!
I would say get her some tunnels. My piggy was that way and I got some dryer vent hose and now he loves to be out. He runs through it and it crinkles under his feet.

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