Thursday, July 30, 2009

Toys for bunny?

what type of toys should I get my bunny, and where can I get them?(please be specific)
First, I've found most of the toys sold for rabbits in pet stores are worthless. My bunnies think they are utterly boring. They do like some bird toys, and plastic cat toys with bells in them. Here is a list of great, inexpensive rabbit toys:
There are also some great online stores that sell toys that rabbits actually like. Check these out:
I also buy untreated wicker baskets and grapevine wreaths from hobby stores. My rabbits love these. I also make my own toys based off of the ones on sites like Bunny Bites. Less expensive, but fun for me and the rabbits.
Bunnies need lots of toys to distract their loneliness. Toys o not have to be fancy. Rabbits will play with anything, but some toys are more acceptable than others. Here is a list that I've compiled.
Pinecones (if purchased specifically as Rabbit Toys) make great toys but they can be messy.
Dried corn makes great toys/treats but they do contain quite a bit of sugar so moderation is necessary.
hanging wooden toys to help keep your bunnies busy. These can be marketed as Rabbit Toys or Bird Toys.
pet store-you can use cat toys; soft rubber balls or flat shaped ones and/or with a bell inside that rings when moved
The best thing I have found to amuse my bunny is the cartons that the eggs come in. He loves to toss them up in the air and chew on them. I wouldn't go with anything plasitic as they do love to chew.
Pet Smart has an exceptionally good website and store to find the toys you need for your bunny. Rabbits generally lilke toy that they can play with while snacking on! Like the roll and chew, the shake and chew, The crispy, crunchy wood chew, and the crispy crops. Those are all rabbit edible toys that can be bought from petsmart. They also have many more toys for rabbits there too.
Sorry I posted a link but it doesn't work, but all you have to do is go to and search for rabbit toys and it gives you a list of some of the bunny toys they have and you can order them off the website! Good Luck!
you might get something for them to chew on, and mabey a little ball to bat around.. not really sure..
you dont have 2 BUY toys. you can make them or use other things that you have around the house like paper towel tubes, cardboard boxes, pinecones, etc. but i f you want 2 buy toys they like things that make noise and flavored things!
Toys for bunnies can be cheap! They find many things amusing! Ask any rabbit enthusiast!
You can use something as simple as an empty coke can! They love to just flip them around their cage just be sure that there's no Sharp edges.
Another thing they love to do is shred! For years I have given my rabbits the milk boxes from Costco. Any small cardboard box would work the same. You can also use the cardboard left over from an empty paper towel or toilet paper roll! They love to get in them, chew them, make holes, hide out, shred...Just plain great fun for them!
Of course you can go to a pet store and spend a bunch of money on toys too. Although, if you're gonna do this...Most bunny toys on the market really aren't appealing to them. At your local pet store, try the cat section. I have found that bunnies do like those little plastic cat balls that have the jingle bells in them. They can grasp them with their teeth and love to toss them around. Also try the bird section. Bunnies love to chew on those dangley bird toys!

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