Friday, July 31, 2009

We need advice: found abandoned pet rat?

My husband is a maintanence supervisor at an apartment complex and while doing his daily run of the property found a pet rat that someone had let go. It has been bit by something, it's right front leg has a lot of swelling (it's still walking on it and the swelling is about the size of a golf ball). It does not appear to be a poisonous bit, logic says it would be dead by now. i've never kept a rat as a pet so i'm kinda lost on it's care. any advise or links to sites that could help would be appriciated
Is it a male or a female rat? Are you sure it is a bite and it is swollen? It鈥檚 possible that it is an abscess, or if it is a female, it could be a tumor. If it is eating, drinking and moving around, it is doing fine for now. To reduce the swelling give it a very small dosage of children鈥檚 aspirin. This should reduce the swelling and relieve any pain. If it is infected, you鈥檒l want to give it some antibiotics. It鈥檚 hard to find some without a prescription, but you can buy amoxicillin at some fish supply stores. The brand is usually Fishmox or something similar. This is the same stuff you give to dogs, cats or any other creature. I鈥檓 not sure why you can buy it fish and not others, but it works. You鈥檒l need to administer the correct dosage, but I鈥檇 recommend figuring out definitively whether it is a bite or not.
If it is an abscess, it will feel kind of squishy and you can move it independently of the skin. If that is the case, you鈥檒l need to hold a hot compress to the rat a couple of times a day, this will aid in it coming to the surface so it can burst. After it has done that, you have to clean it out and keep it clean until it heals.
If it is a tumor, surgery is usually the only answer though there have been cases of tumors being fought using Black Salve and Bloodroot.

If you plan on keeping the rat, you will need a 2x2 multi level cage with suitable bedding. I can give you a whole laundry list of things you will need for your rat, but if you鈥檇 like more information, you can email or IM me at I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
Awe, poor rat.
I hope its foot gets better.
Why dont you wrap is with a small piece of gauze and
take it to the vet later?
well first take it to a vet. if You wana keep it then get a 2x2 cage cut make sure the wals are small so it can't escaope and it needs a top and rats climb. go to your libary and take out a book about them that is what i did
Hope it turns out ok.
Oh poor rattie rat. I would take it to a vet and have him check out that leg. May need a round of antibiotic's. God Bless you for taking in the rat they make wonderful pets
I think you need to take your rat to the vet. I am sure there is a vet in your area that specializes in rodent care. People do keep rats as pets and also other rodents. It sounds like the injury may need careful analysis by a professional.
Good luck with this.
My heart goes out to you taking on the care of a forgotten animal.
You are kind to care about this poor little rattie. Sounds like you and your husband are the best thing that has happened to him. First he must not have had a very caring owner, then the only family he had abandoned him, then he got bit.
I am thanking you! I have 5 wonderful pet rats.
Of course he needs to be seen by a vet that knows something about rats. Some vets charge more than others, I have an excellent vet that is very reasnable.
Hopefully the vet will get him started on antibiotics and check him for other problems like dehydration and the like.
He may need some nursing back to health. Pet rats are well worth it.
He will need a wire cage, a drinking bottle, a nest box (could be a shoe box or something easy). They like to sleep in hammocks. You can make a simple one out of fleece pinned to the sides of the cage. Unless the vet finds that he needs anything special he can eat many of the things you have on hand. Don't give him soda pop or cat food.
There are many good websites that can help you out.
I hope that when he is well, if you can keep him, that you will be able to get him a pair of very young rats as companions. He needs some ratty company as well as your love and attention.
Good luck! You may have found your perfect animal companion.
Are you planning on keeping the rat? If so, you are right to take it to the vet as soon as you can.
If not, Petco stores will care for any pet and put it up for adoption to a good home. I hope you choose to keep it, but if not, there are other options.
I have included a link to a care sheet with some general info about rat care.
aww well as for the bite, dont worry about it...rats heal VERY quickly, but if you DO wish to clean it swipe on some neosporin. Question...are you SURE it was a pet?? Not at all uncommon for rats to be in but anyways, i would reccommend buying a 10 gallon tank, you can get bedding called clean n comfy works great! Every week remove everythign in the cage and clean with soap and water. You can go to your local pet store and buy rat food, otherwise you could buy a bag of generic dog food, give him quite a bite...also they are ALL left overs!!
If I were you I would take it to an animal shelter.
Don't keep it. It could be infected with a disease (from the bite). Since you can't take it to the vet, it is best to take it to a humane society to have them take care of it. But seriously, be careful, don't play with it and by all means, wash your hands!
Find a small cage or unused cardboard box. Line it with towels and newspaper. Offer food in one small bowl and water in another. Offer grain, crackers, carrots, rats eat anything. Take it to the vet as soon as possible.
Some animal hospitals won't care for rats. Rats are considered an exotic animal. Call a vet in the morning and ask them if they will care for a rat. If not, try other various vets.
Thankyou for taking the ratty in! We need more people in the world like you :)
Id take the rat to the vet when you get the money, are you planning to keep it or not?

We lost our hamster. Do you think she will come back? Would she go down a hole in the floorboard?? Help?

hamsters are unpredictable.i would keep on looking 4 him
why are u on the computer when you should b lookin for her!
she should come back you shouldn't get to worried she will get hungry and thirst fast
she might chew a hole because that's what my Gennie pigs did so you might get him back just keep a eay on him good luck
Unfortunately she would. My friend lost her hamster and he died when he crawled into the wall and got stuck. Try leaving a trail of hamster food leading to her cage...leave the cage in an open area with the door open...if she gets hungry/thirsty enough she might come back.
Believe it or not, most hamsters WILL return to their cages if they can! Make sure she can easily climb back in, leave plenty of food and water in her cage, and wait.
We have a 2 year old Hamster. She has escaped about 6 times and has always come back or we find her in a closet or behind the refrigerator.
Best to listen for her at night when they are most active.
this is what me and my bro did we put food in the middle of the living room or whever u think she may be but only do this at night and one room at a time in the night wait if she doesnt come out sry but shell smell the food and come running to the food for any more questions send me an email
She might, but she might not. And yes she would go into the hole. Crazy but many hamsters come back to their cages, I lost my hamster for about 2-3 days, I heard her at night scratching from inside my bathroom wall, but there was no way I could get to her. I put her cage on the floor where she could get back to it and sure enough one morning I walked into my computer room and she was laying in her nest at the top of her cage! Don't lose hope, keep looking!
Good luck I hope she comes home!
ummm depends, my brothers gerbil went down the vent and came back up so we caught her a couple days later ummm my other hamster some how got out of its cage and we found it a week later mutated or something so depends were you lost it and when and depends how loose your floor boards are.
We have had allot of hamsters missing . I would get a bowl and put some treats in it . Or get it's cage if it's a cage you can climb on and put it on the floor . when I lost my mouse I did this and found my mouse in it's cage just kindda chillin on it's wheel haha make sure if you have cats don't let them in.. Watch out for couches because the hamsters that ran away lived in it .. Awful!!
My sons was missing for 2 days we left his cage in the middle of the floor with the door open and he came back to eat. we found him sitting in his cage munching down
put her cage on the floor with the door open in the room you kept her in, put food on the floor, and yes they will go in holes or create one.

We just got a new guinea pig about two weeks ago and shes biting help!!?

She is just barely over two months old and i read somewhere that young guinea pigs will bite. It started out as a nibble which didn't bother me but now she actually bites hard. She has plenty in her cage to chew on and doesn't mind being taken out of her cage. We wrap her in a towel when holding her and talk to her whenever we got to hold her and while we are holding her. She will even be "purring" and then just bite for what appears to be no reason, is any of this normal and what else can we do to get this to stop?? We have two children who don't get to hold her unless supervised and do not even pester her while shes in her cage. Help!
Make sure that you wash your hands really good before holding her and don't eat anything right before... hopefully once she gets more socialized and used to you she will stop.
Ok, next time you take your guinea pig out, I would recommend talking to your guinea pig in a calm voice. Talking to your guinea pig will reasure him that you aren't there to hurt him. Another thing that you can do, it to see what posistion he is in. If you were him right at that moment, would you feel safe? If not, try to adjust him to a place where if you were him, you would feel fine. Your guinea pig is probably just scared. Putting yourself into his shoes, will help you see how he is feeling. If he continues to bite, put him back into his cage and let him stay there for about a day. Once both pet and owner have cooled down, you may take out again the next day!
This should work! If you have additional questions, you can email me at:! Thanks!
what do you mean purring. see i have this guinea pig and he makes that squeaking noise but it's not the purring noise. when we pet him the wrong way like brush his fur up then he makes this what sounds like a purring sound which means that he doesn't like it.
first- is it a happy pur? if it goes up, then she's upset. Also, wash your hands before petting her. I hope that helps!
Are you sure the sound you hear is "purring" and not "chattering"? If she's chattering, that is a warning signal that she will bite you if you don't leave her alone.
Have you treated her for mites? This can make them very irritable. You cannot see mites with the naked eye %26 sometimes there are no telltale symptoms like patches of hair loss, red skin, scratching, etc. I would have her treated by a vet just to be sure. It won't hurt her to be treated even if she doesn't have them. But then, I always err on the side of caution. Check this list to see if there is a cavy-savvy vet near you:
Another thing may be that you need to wash your hands well before holding her. I know that my piggies have a tendency to bite if they smell food on my hands.
Sorry she's giving you a hard time. Have you considered getting her a same-sex buddy?
I heard that animals nip to communicate.
This is what I heard you should do if your rabbit nips your hand: Yelp "EEK!" loud and high pitched. He/she will know that she's hurting you and will be much more gentle the next time she's trying to get your attention and it will just be a gentle nibble. Repeat the process if she still isn't gentle enough next time.
I'm not sure if that will work with a guinea pig though... just a guess.
You shouldn't be holding them so much either. they don't like it and will die of heart attack eventually.
Well, make sure that you work with her everyday. It's probably just from the lack of being held when she was born. Make sure you know the signs of when she's going ot bite, so you can prevent it, and maybe start out by holding her while wearing gloves. Just make sure she doesnt feel threatened and talk to her in soothing voices and pet her softly, and try to not pet her by the head.
Eventually your guinea pig will stop biting and just nibble, or maybe even not nibble at all. Your guinea pig has had too much eximent, maybe it met the family too fast, everyone was holding it! If it is a family pet, then get the person who will most likely be feeding it, spending a lot of time with it to pet it, hold it, just get the guinea pig used to you! then a few days later introduce it to the family and then to maybe the dog... You just rushed too fast, have patience!
Ok. Lets start by solving this "purring" problem. Use the following sites to establish what sound your guinea pig is actually making:
Wash your hands very well before handling your guinea pig as if you have handled food prior to holding your guinea pig she make think that you are food. Guinea pigs bite only if they are hungry or if they do not like what you are doing. Are you holding her correctly?
Try feeding her something like parsley when holding her and do not allow even a nibble.
guinea pigs don't really like being cuddled up in a towel. i suggest putting it on ur lap and feed it some veggies while tou massage buyind it's ears

We have just found a tiny baby mouse. Found near its dead mother. how do we care for it? what food do we give?

hi. any help on above question would be appreciated .cheers.
Ity would be best to find a nursing mother with babies about the same age. If you can't find one follow these instuctions:
DO NOT give it cows milk. Go to the pet store or vet and get kitten milk replacer and feed it that. Keep it warm in a cloth and try to keep it next to your body so that it gets that natural heat source. You'll have to feed it and then wipe it with a warm wet cotton ball to stimulate a bowel movement and then clean it up. Any questions e-mail me or IM me.
get rid of it
Give it me, I have a snake that will "look after" it.
depends how old it is, it may not survive without its mother. Milk is always a good start.
I would say get some warm milk and leave it in a bowl in a cage with blankets on the bottom and bring it inside with the baby inside and everything. Keep an eye on it for a few days, keep giving it milk. You can check out your local petstore and see what they recommend. They'll have plenty of food and toys for the little mousie to play with. When he/she is grown-up. Best of luck.
put it in a container with air holes, put in an old sock for warmth, kitten milk to drink and hope for the best
yeah mices could contain tons of germs and viruses, i know u dont wanna just leave it behind because it already lost its mom and all but these creatures really dont care. lol i mean hamsters and rats eat their OWN babies, now that's cruel. I say let it freee, freeee, freeeeeeeeeeeee
it wont survive without it mothers milk and that may have been poisoned
Hmm...I would put it into a hamster cage thing. You don't need a big one. Get some warm milk, clean water, maybe some wood. Also a heat pad...but don't make it super warm. Maybe put a blanket on the cage overnight...or if it's hot, I wouldn't. Also, contact a local pet store and ask them.
cheese on toast
That's sweet! rats need feeding once a day they need a good quality rat mix that does not contain seeds or nuts as these can cause skin problems if you feed it "our food" avoid foods that are high in calories, sugar or fat good luck!
Does it have fur? Or is it nude and blind?
You have a hard job on your hands if you are serious about this task!
Keep it warm and snug.
Feed it goat's milk from a dropper or from a clean paintbrush. If you don't mind, your finger might be good too, because it is warm, like a nipple.
If it responds, feel for teeth.
Once little teeth begin to form, you can give it warmed up human baby food.
Be aware of predators such as snakes and cats and dogs.
Keep it safe and make it get used to you.
How sweet of you to attempt this!
Millions wouldn't. So good luck to you.
I assume you're trying to teach your children compassion, but this is a danerous way to do it. You don't know what killed the mother. What ever you do, don't touch it without thick rubber gloves. Even a baby can bite, and you don't know what he might carry. Be sure it is enclosed securely so it can't get loose in the house!
Mix water and milk, maybe some baby cereal if it can eat from a saucer.
I have found little baby mice around my house. We live in the woods, and get a lot of field mice. What we did, when their mother had died, was to get baby formula (human baby) and put it in an eye dropper. Put a little drop on his mouth, he should except it. It may take a few times, he will be very frightened, and will take a little while for him to trust you. That is a natural instinct. You are a very good person, to worry about God's little guys. He may survive, but sometimes they really need their mother, but at least you have tried, that is the real purpose. If he does survive, about a couple of weeks, set him free. He should be able to go on with his life. If you want to hold on to him, the pet store carries mice pellets. I really admire the fact, that you care. God Bless you, sweetie.
First you should put the baby mouse into an aquarium (or cage). I recommend Carefresh bedding because it's good for your pet and the enviorment. The food... well, you can pick any type of mouse food the pet store sells, although I think Kaytee Forti-Diet is the best. You can also give your mouse some treats, just not too much.
The mouse should have a wheel to exercise on, as well as some chewing toys.
If you think something is wrong, then contact the vet as soon as you can.
I hope this helps!
I cant give you any advice on how to care for it but 10 out of 10 for you giving the wee thing a chance. Why not ask the local pet shop. They should be able to help. Hopefully the wee mite is not too young as previously mentioned by other members.
Good luck,
you kind soul. i hope it is weaned. if its eyes are open try it with some breakfast cereal. if not it definitely needs to be milk-fed, directly with a syringe or other type of fine squirter, into its mouth.
f you found an orphaned baby mouse (called a pup), DO NOT request help from any forum or message board until you read this.
A pup will need to receive proper care within about 8 hours to survive. This is very important if the pup's eyes aren't yet open. If you request help on a forum, you may not get an answer within 8 hours. If you do receive an answer, it will very likely direct you to one of the following sites. These sites have very good information on raising orphaned mice.
Save some time and maybe a baby's life. See these sites before requesting additional help. The first link is for orphaned baby rats, but I think it has some of the best information. The process is much the same as for mice.
A lot of the information on these sites is simular, but each aurthor has their own ideas as to what works best. Read them all and see what works best for you.
Ann Vole's Comments:
I have never raised orphan deer mice or white footed mice except where I had another nursing rodent on hand (rat, gerbil, house mouse), They all became healthy adults (except the rat-mothered deer mouse was aggressive to other mouse-sized rodents and had to be kept with hamsters). My advice for orphans is to ask around at pet stores, vet offices, etc. and see if you can find a nursing mother with young babies (so she still has mothering instincts). Get the orphan's smell all over your hands, then all over the mother, keep the mother away from the babies for an hour and during that hour mix the orphans with the mom's litter. It is good to ware gloves during the handling so you don't mix your smell with theirs. Just before putting the mom with the babies, DO get your smell on HER but not on the babies.

****My comments by Joyful 97****
Good luck with it and God bless you for your efforts!
I hope the mouse survives but if not, you did the best you could and it's mother will be eternally thankful to you!
u cant really its too small
if it has fur and opened its eyes then u can feed it lik regular mouse food but if it is still red then the best thing 2 do is kill it. (u cant save it if it is red really ask ur vet) if it has fur and not opened its eyes then u can feed it lik milk with stuff mixed in.
at pet stores they sell stuff lik that
What type of mouse, a 'house mouse'? Like this: If so, they're the same species as pet mice, so you can care for it the same way. However, it's not an easy task to raise a very young pup, many don't make it. If it's eyes are open, the chances are much better. They start nibbling on solid food around then...which is around two weeks of age. Please don't give it milk, you must use kitten milk replacer.

Determine age:
Caring for Orphaned mice:
It wont survive without the mothers milk.
Anyhow do you really want it to! If it lives and you let it go, you will have millions in a few months!
Depending how old it is, warmed goats milk off a 1ml syringe, will be a good start, a vet will probally let u have a syringe for this purpoise or a small fee. Dont give it cows milk as its too strong for it, when you think the baby will be at weaning stage try giving small soft offerings such as nut kernals corn etc, mice will eat absolutly anything,hamster food is a good food for them, try not to handle it very much if you are going to release it to the wild as he will imprint on you thinking u r his mother. If its really young it may need a heat pad too set on a low heat. word of warning tho, try not to buy the bedding that looks like cotton wool as this has shreds which will entwine arount their little limbs, and even dangerous if eaten, a nice natural substance newspaper is ideal.good luck. I forgot to add that if you do choose to hand rear the little one, it will need help with toiletting, use warm cotton wool and gently rub around this will stimulate it in going to the toilet!

We have jack squirrels in our yard and they are eating the wood to get into our garage.?

Do you know how to get rid of them? Thanks
Dog hair works like a charm. You can also put it around your bushes or gardens and bunnies and squirrels won't go near it.
Spray anmonya around the area or you can put dog hair or human hair around it they won't go near it.
Dog hair. get some from your neighbours if you don't have any, but you must get rid of them asap. my neighbour had a bunch of squrrels who got underneath the shingles of her porch and lived there. they died and they had to take the roof apart to get rid of them since it stunk up their house.
shoot 'em

We have a unusealy nice hamster sould we breed him with a nice fea male?would they have nice babys?

Don't breed them, Hamsters don't get along and one will pick a fight with the other or they will stay away from eachother, one might get hurt and just because your breeding two nice hamsters doesn't mean your going to get nice babies. Oh and by the way only , like two would survive and you can't touch them or touch the cage or make noise or scare them or else they will eat one of their babies. I am not sure but I think somewere I read that they dont eat anything while they have babies but if they get stressed or somthing then they will eat one and they won't stop! Everytime they get stressed they eat another. I have tried it and my hamster was SUPER nice and so was the other but the other just climbed on mine then mine tried to bite it and it wasn't funny. Sorry for the bad news but I wouldn't try it again.
It really depends. I mean, they could have two or three nice little babies, and then have two devil babies. You never know. XD
EDIT: I completely agree. People don't always have nice kids.
think of it like nice people always have nice kids..NO!
just because your hamster is nice doesnt mean the babie will have to
It depends how you bring them up, hamsters that are handled from an early age tend to be nice and friendly anyway.
I would not put him with a nice female! First of all hamsters are solitary animals and will fight to the death! If it is a dwarf hamster they probably won't fight. But you will have tons and tons of babies! Hamsters multiply really really fast! So please don't try it! There is enough hamsters that need good homes!

We have a Rat, traps dont work, I dont want to kill it Help??

Please help we have a huge wood rat that lives under our house and tears in to our trash, its starting to get brave and come out during the day, our cats will not even mess with it and it seems to be smart because it will get the food outta the traps unharmed. Please help!!
If your cats won't mess with it, it's probably pretty big. Wild rats of that size just aren't safe to have around. It's not like the tame ones you see at a pet store. These guys are often carriers of disease and will attack if they feel threatened or feel they are big enough to take whatever animal is there.
I don't know if you can get a live trap for a large rat, a mouse yes, but a large rat, I just don't know. Possibly a raccoon trap would do it.
But once you have relocated it, you will still have the issue of scent. If it is a female, the scent will attract males even if she is no longer there. Plus, she has probably collected food into a nest somewhere nearby and that will attract other pests.
You might need to call in some professional help.
get a cat
So, you don't wanna kill it... Nasty little rat!
You sound young. Kill it ok?
Its a rat! Or tell your mom to kill it!
Don't be poundering people to anwser your question!
The two above me should be ashamed of yourselves. Some people love animals not like you two. If you dont want to kill him get an trap then if u see him chase him towards it then hell be running so fast hell get stuck in it
I would suggest using some sort of poison. If it's a wild rat, and fully grown, there's no way to domesticate it. If it's even frightening your cats, then it sounds like this rat is a health and safety hazard. Remember that wild rats can carry diseases that CAN spread to humans.
You can get a live trap from the Humane Society.
My question is: What are you going to do with it after it is caught?
If you don't want to kill it you are stuck with it. If the rat has figured out how to get the food from the traps then there isn't much you can do. I would go with poison. You can try glue traps. You can take the rat out a ways from your house and pour vegetable oil on him to safely get him off the trap. But I would only do that with mice, not rats. And if you do that he is still likely to come back. If he's that huge I would just kill it. You could call an exterminator, but he will most likely go with poison.
If you don't want to kill it at all...have you tried a live trap? If not, then use one of those and put something sweet in it. Rats love sweet things like chocolate or peanut butter.
Or if you do, but not by hand, put a piece of bread in a regular trap with peanut butter on it, or anything that they'd have to tug at. They like meat too. Put a little chunk of steak or something on it. Rats are very smart. So don't put anything on a trap that they can get off easily.
ther are some companies that will humanly trap them for you. maybe try a different type of trap or move it to another location .had same problem with a mouse and i caught it by putting peanut butter in the trap its had to pick that up and run with it
If you have tried every kind of rat trap, and sticky pad and it still outsmarts those, you may need to call an exterminator.
They should be able to find the source (where the rats living) and kill it from there, that way if it has any babies, those are dead too.
Many humane societies have live traps. After you trap it you need to take it far away to a non-populated area to release.
Easy fix: Get METAL garbage cans with bungee cords over the lids. Rat won't be able to get in and it'll leave after a while.
It's hard to have a dirty little rat in your house, and not want to kill it. Try keeping a look out for the rat, and if you see him, poison him! Spray it 'till he's faint, then lift him into the trashcan, and take that trash bag out immediately. Try killing him on a trash pick-up date, so you can get rid of him immediately.

We have a male hamster that is balls are very big the last few days any answers??

It's balls descended probably. It's normal. They are very large in hamsters.
It sounds as if its testicles have finally descended. It looks really weird but its normal. I have one male hamster that has descended testicles and an other that doesn't. Its the weirdest thing ever but its normal for them. The hardest thing is trying to figure out a way to explain this to my 9, 7, 5 year olds. LOL
This is very normal, I can assure you that you have a normal, healthy hamster.
I have had my male a year (today!) and we had him a month or so before his balls statred to become very prominant and hang out of his body. He does have regular checks at the vet as hamsters can become ill so quickly and I do it as a precaution. The vet said he is incredibly healthy.
His are so big they can drag across the floor of his cage LOL. But they are more noticable if your hamster is warm, relaxed, sleeping or has just woken up.
Some hamsters are smaller in that region. Others, like mine and yours are a little more blessed and have big balls. In the wild ours would be having more success at getting the females pregnant.
Hamsters testicals can weigh up to one third of their body weight, so relax and dont worry any more! x
he is needing a girl friend call 911

We got a guinea pig 2 months ago it was a baby and he is so scared of being held and now he is biting .?

is there anything we can do to make him trust us ? he will let us pet him in the cage and will eat treats we hold for him .but if you try to hold him he freaks out .
It could be mites. Read up on the following article, and seek medical advice from a professional exotic vet. You may notice the biting, excessive scratching and scurfing (looks like dandruff) which leads to thinning/patching loss of hair. Treatment will involve 2 or more doses spaced 7-10 days apart of Ivermectin. Without treatment it can actually lead to death.
Now, if after seeing a vet the problem does not settle down, do not despair. Building a relationship with a guinea pig takes time and alot of patience. Cuddle your guinea pig in a towel (especially if he is biting) each day for app 10 minutes, with treats (like vegetables) available. Floor time should also be done each day for app 1 hour, this way your piggy gets the exercise he needs.
I also want to address the size of his cage, it should be at least 7.5sq ft. Guinea pigs are herd animals by nature, thus why they should be housed in groups of 2 or more, they are extremely social. You can have cuddles and what not but in the end you are not there like a cage mate would be. 2 guinea pigs need a 10.5sq ft cage, more considering they are boys. I would adopt an older guinea pig, for the best chances of getting along. Have a look through the following site for cage ideas:
Don't worry would be my advise. I have had Guinea Pigs, and they just tend to be very nervous. Even if he freaks out, you should still hold him and pet him a lot. It is the only way he will get calmer.
Guinea Pigs tend to be nervous until they get older. Try holding his favorite treat in you lap when you hold him.
keep on taking him out and if your really worried see the vet
Just keep hand-feeding him treats, and petting him.
He just needs to learn that the human hand is nothing to fear.
Also you may want to try talking to him in a calm, quiet, soothing voice so he can learn that the voice isn't anything to fear also.
Put some treats in the palm of your hand. Let the guinea pig walk onto your hand, then pick him up.

We found a baby squirrel in our back yard and saved it from some cats.?

The body is about 2 and 1/2 inches long not including tail. The eyes are still closed shut. How big are squirrels when they are born and how many do they usually have. How and where do squirrels build their nest. Any information would really help. Thanks.
Oh, yeah, I went to Pet Smart and picked up goat milk and some droppers. So far he's doing fine.
You need to find a wildlife rescue so that the squirrel can be raised by experts and with others of his species so that he doesn't become too tame.
If you google it you should find lots of results.
Please do not give it cat food. Squirrels do not eat meat.
aww, so nice to have a baby squirrel...lucky, well sorry i dont have any info. just wanting to let you know that some people do read your answers but not always reply, and have an answer.
but... try searching : taking care of a baby squirrel.
it should have websites with tons of info:)
Ok, so if you could email me at:, I will help you with any questions that you have! Please email me! THanks!
That was a good idea.Also try canned catfood when he's a little older..the protein in the food is great for things small such as him...We had a small ferrett for a while %26 gave her some she fattened right up...But we have also had a small squirrel...Not as small as yours, but i would assume that it should still apply..Hope this helps.

We are spraying our house for bugs (not perfessionally)...?

And we have 2 hamsters? (in seperate cages of course) but we dont have anywhere to put them? Any suggestions??
*would keeping them in my bathroom help any if we dont spray my bathroom??
Is there a friend who could take them for a fwe days? That is what i would do.
I would even be afraid of putting them in the garage if you are spraying heavily. Maybe out side for a couple days until the fumes discipate. I don't know.

Wats the best hamster breeds to buy?

I want a hamster breed that is the nicest and won't really bite alot or at all. Can you please give me a suggestion on the best breed to buy?
you have syrian hamsters and then there are the dwarfs that are...Campbell Russian (10-12cm)
Chinese (female: 10cm, male: 12cm)
Common/European (female: 22-25cm, male: 27-32cm)
Eversmann's (16.6cm)
Golden/Syrian,Fancy,Teddy Bear (15-18cm)
Longtailed (16cm)
Migratory (13.5cm)
Mouse-like (16.5cm)
Rat hamster (26cm)
Roborovskii (4-5cm)
Rummanian (varies)
Striped (13cm)
Tibetan (varies)
Winter White Russian/Siberian/Djungarian (female: 8cm, male: 10cm)

teh teddy bear syrains or panda bear syrain are the sweeest and let u pick them up any time!!!robo's and winter white dwarfs are also amazung!
don't get a hamster, get a gerbil. they tend to be more friendly and dont bite as often.
trust me, my friends have had hamsters, and they were sooo mean! they always bit everyone. my gerbils rarely bit me. maybe only once or twice.
ALL RODENTS BITE and when they get handled often they will not bite at all.I would say a Dwarf Hamster.

Expected Life Span: 2.5 - 3 years.

Size: A small slender hamster that reaches an adult size of about 4 inches (10 cm). This means they are small enough to squeeze through the bars on many hamster cages so an aquarium is a safer choice for housing.

Behavior and Temperament: Chinese hamsters are nocturnal but may be active for short times during the day too. They are somewhat timid but are generally quite good-natured and rarely nip. Because they are so small and quick they can be a real challenge to handle, though, especially for kids. They are very active and require a large cage to prevent boredom.

Social Characteristics: There is some disagreement among experts on this point. As they mature, Chinese hamsters, especially females, may become quite aggressive with others and may need to be separated. However, other owners have managed to keep them in pairs or groupings, which requires a fair amount of space (and only if introduced at a young age). To be on the safe side, plan on housing Chinese hamsters separately, only keeping them together if they show no signs of aggression.

Appearance: The natural coloration of Chinese hamsters is agouti (hairs are banded with light and dark colors), with a dark brown color on their backs, a black dorsal line (along their spine), and ivory colored bellies. The only other pattern seen is a Dominant Spot (white coat with patches or spots of color). Chinese hamsters have a tail, about an inch long and hairless. Sometimes these are called rat-like or mouse-like hamsters due to their slender appearance and the fact that they have a tail.

Notes about Care: Basic care is like that of other hamsters. As mentioned above, a wire hamster cage may not be escape proof so an aquarium or other solid sided cage with a secure top is preferable, the larger the better. Avoid cedar or pine wood shavings, and keep cages well cleaned though to prevent ammonia build-up from accumulated urine as ventilation is diminished with solid sided housing. Feed a good quality hamster food supplemented with small amounts of fresh foods. See Hamster Care for more detail.

Additional Notes: Chinese hamsters are not very commonly bred and can be hard to find. They are also restricted in some places, such as the state of California where a permit is required to keep them.
With hamsters, the bigger breeds(Syrians) are calmer and tame easier. The best breed seems to be the Black Bear, Honey Bear, Calico and Tortoise Shell. They seem to have the best temperment. Males also seem to be more accepting to being handled than females do.
The Dwarf breeds are not tame hamsters, they do not like being handled in the least. They are very moody and can bite like no other. I do not suggest dwarfs to anyone who is not experienced in handling hamsters.
If you are looking for an easy tameable pet, what do you think of a rat? Rat's are not dirty or nasty in anyway.
They are very easy to tame and very intelligent. Just a thought...
I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!
Get a gerbil!-
Teddybear hamsters don't seem to bite as much as the other ones i've seen.
black bear hamsters are nice!

Wat should i name my guinea pig?

its a female and its 3 months old and its mostly black but she has some light brown.
cinnamin , or Mr.skruffles, Mr.TamberJambery , or my personaly fav , Sir JefferyAbladoodleMcWandathol
Missy, Molly or boo.
Dark hershey
Moggy, Tori, Pammy, Whiskers, Orla, Schmoo.
Biscut , chocolate, twinkle, toffee, molly and me me
biscut and chocolate are the best
I had a teddy bear guinea pig with the long hair it was mostly black with a little brown and I named her Nirvana.
Maureen. Sounds like my grandma in her early days. Shes 85 now but still going strong.
chocolate drops.
Misty... :]
inky dink
dandy, cause they love dandylions!
something like honey, treacle,sparkle or anything pretty?
they are so sweet they deserve a sweet name?
scampers, yogi, mushroom, brownie, cookie, caramel, blackie.
Brownie,Cookie, Chocolate and Fudge.
You could name her something like:
You can name her a human name like:
You can name her after an object like:
Lily - Flower
Buttercup - Flower
You can name her according to her personality:
Crazy Pup
Sleepy Bub
You can name her after someone:
Sleeping Beauty
I personally like to name my guinea pigs according to their personalities or after an object, i named my two latest piggies:
Lily - Delicate, flower, happy, beautiful
Buttercup - Open, placid and the colour of a buttercup is the same colour as her fur
Good Luck and have fun
i called mine liquorice coz she was jet black =) xx
snake food.
ebony willow

Wat should i name my 3 week old bunny?

he is brown with velvet soft flopy ears. i was thinking of nameing him moose wat do you think?
moose luv it.. now sumthing u dont hear often...nice
Peter Rabbit.
Naughty Alligator
velvet ears
Mr. Hareman from Foster's home for imaginary friends
The name you choose should be catchy , not long and have a eee. sound and be semi high pitched.
Some names Ive used are:
Jenkins- jenkii
Percival - Percy
make sure your name suites the animals and its personality
I like Moose.
At three weeks old, though, he should still be nursing off his mom for another three weeks. I hope you haven't brought him home, yet! It's very important for his health that he be with his mom and siblings a while longer.
give him a cute/funny name...something like meatball? lol
Call him Cocoa! Because he so brown like chocolate. So just say "Coco" in a high voice (Not to deep or he will be scared)if you want to call him!
Moose is also nice. So his nickname could be Moosy!
Moose is cute.
Moose would be really cute, but here are some other cute names too!
Peter Rabbit
You are so lucky you get a bunny!
moose is a good name. =D

Wat should i name a hamster??

there are MANY different names that you can name a hamster.
Cutie Pie
Panya ( I think the names could go either way)
Java ( again, the same)
I mean, really, there are a million different names to name a hamster, you just have to find one that you like, and that fits the hamster!!
Scruffy or scooter
lucky, brownie, coco,skippy
I think Puff is a cute name :]
Or hammy
my son has a female hamster. he named her zoey. i have no clue how he came up with that name.
I like to name animals according to the colour of their coats... like my hamster is a bit coffee/tawny coloured, so I call her Latte. If she's white, you can name her Snow; if she's gray, you can name her Silver or Sterling or Moonshine... you get the idea.
Funny Names
Hawkleberry or Hamkleberry
Opie %26 Gomer
Jeepers Fever
Dumb and Dumber (lol)
Stovetop %26 Puff-a-lot
Shimmy %26 Ricky
Carlotta Crunchybutt
Dorky and Porky
Chickenlegs and Mr. Hoppity
Biggaboo %26 Pickapoo
Buster Buns
Chug-a-lug %26 Florabelle
Hammy Ho Ho
Puck %26 Kitch Kitch
Ethan Ollie %26 Mercury
Mozzie Posh
Gulliver Wulliver
Tucker and Bucket
Presto %26 Pixie
Ozzie Fuzzborne
Uh Oh and Oops
Bickerin %26 Boggles
Tweezers or Twizzler
Ginger and MaryAnn (and Lovey)
Buggy Bumper
Mac Daddy
D.J. Sunflower Seed
Palm Top %26 Lap Top
Big Boy
Hallelujah %26 Amen Brother
Oingo %26 Boingo
Butterball %26 Lotta Spots
Tobbagan (and Tobias or Toby)
Uggie %26 Oogie
Jobbin %26 Mobbin
Bubbles and Squeek
Delbert %26 Lurlene
Ping %26 Pong
Shaggy and Velma
Dusty or Dustball
Go Go
Schnippets %26 Schnaaps
Peter Brady or Marcia Marcia Marcia
Ping Pong
Suzy Soft Paws
Lurlene and Zerlinda
Tabitha Tidbits
Snapple %26 Slumber
Willoughby %26 Tweedy
Paddy %26 Alex
Mellow Yellow
Wrinkles (LOL)
Chaser %26 Skurrykins
Miss Grumples
Ooka Palooka
Hatch and Scratch
Pollywog (sounds like a frog!)
Snookie aka Aunt Moeesha
Shazoom and Jester
Blitzen %26 Ballyhoo
Wigaroni or Wigarama
Twiggy Twiggy
BoBo %26 Bruno
Huggie Buggie
Ting a Ling
Chingaling and Ding Dong
The Tingler
Chump Change
Lil' Squirt %26 Piggles
Lucy Screw
Dawdles and Doodles
Waldo %26 Scout
Harold and Maude
Soggles %26 Woofles
Cross Eye Crazy
King Tama
Coconut Flip
Little Bit or Lotta Bit
Egglebert Hammydink
Raffles or Ruffles
Chicka Cherry
Food Names
Chip %26 Dip
Pad Thai %26 Tod Mun Pla
Mr. Pickles
Popover %26 Turnover
Cous-Cous or Tahini
Popples or Popalot or Pop tart
Puddin Pop, Sugar Pops
Capt Crunch
Melon Ball
Mushroom (Mushy)
Cherry Jubilee
Cream Puff
Hox and Gritz
Moon Cakes
Mai %26 Tai (a hawaiian drink)
Licorice (good for black hammy!)
Meat Loaf %26 Giblets
Porkchop %26 Lambchop
Dollop (of whipped cream?)
Slow-Poke and Spaghetti Sauce
Sloppy Joe
Tangerine (Tangie Wangie)
Mac n cheeze
Banana Butt
Pringles and Cheetos
Krispy Kreme
Chopstix %26 Fortune Cookie
Bubbles and Squeek
Cheeze Bunz
Crisco and Jelly Jar
Apricot Biscuit
Kung Pao
Mushu %26 Bok Choy
Eggroll and Potsticker
Pickle Breath
Pickle Bucket
Bagels and Creamcheeze
Mango %26 Ginger
Popcorn Darling
Sugar Dumpling or just Dumpling!
Caramel %26 Butterscotch
Peaches %26 Herb
Demi Tasse (little cup)
KoKo Frosty %26 Donut
Bacon Bits
Salt %26 Pepper
Sprite %26 Tab
Apples or Dapples
Baklava and Pistachio
Zingers and Ho Ho
Missy Cupcakes
Struedel %26 Fritz %26 Appenspiel
Munchkin or Munchies
Baby Cakes
Twinkie (how cute!)
Gum Drop and Jelly Belly
Spare Ribs
Snickers %26 Buttah
Oreo (perfect for a black %26 white ham!)
Peanut %26 Jellybean (and Roxy!)
Pumpkin Breath
Champagne Kisses
Mizithra and Chowder
Cheez Bunz
Champagne Whiskers
Sugar and Spice
Krinkle Kut and Ketchup
Sinister or Tuff Names
Jesse James %26 Hammie Oakley
Krusty and Iggy
Knuckles %26 Toejam
Judo %26 Tai Chi
Spike %26 Psycho
Spike and Butchy
Count Hamula
Mister Blister
Chester McFester
Rodent Rash the III
Rascal %26 Killer
Crazee Dawg
Trailer Trash
Zachery Packery
One Eyed Bandit
Sludgeball or Slimeball
Snoop Hammy Ham
the Lone Hamster %26 Squanto
The Dominator
Pebbles and Bam Bam
Crash %26 Burn
Buster and Butch
Gus Gus
Harley and Chopper
Badger and Ironman
Skunky Buds
Sweet Revenge
Scarface %26 Snitch
Mister Twister
P. Diddily and H-Lo
Smelly or Stinky or Stinker
Sir Poopalot
Bat Ham and Bobbin
Gargoyle or Gargoylina
Secret Hampire or Count Nibula
Hagatha or Hamantha
Jesse James
Big Daddy Buddha
Grumpy or Grumples
Ashes %26 Cinders
Knobble or Knobbin
Rusty %26 Whopper
Bad Ronald
Scary Frankie
Mazerati %26 Mr. E
Billabong %26 Fiend
Smudge or Smudgie
Hunca Munca
Pandora %26 Fester
Crash %26 Burn
Rowdy Little Evil
Minotaur and Medusa
Variations on a Theme
Hammy (a classic)
Poofy Ham
Joey McInhammy
Yosemite Ham
Hammy %26 Eggles
Ham-Ham II
Sammy Hammy
Hamachi (japanese)
Myhammy Beech
Stan the Ham
Hammy McBoing Boing
Princess Yamella
Sir Hammy Hamalot
PoteHamu (potato hamster)
Cute Names
Star Sailor
Pippin %26 Pongo
Mork and Mindy
Topanga and Ishkabiddles
Twinkly Poo
Tugboat (tuggles)
Delta Dawn
Darnell and Laquisha
Hans and Otto
Billy Boy
Twinkleberry %26 Waddles
Dew Drop
Saffron Burrows
Butterfly Jones
Big Bear %26 Little Bear
Pika %26 Trinity
Blur Blur %26 Tiny
Sniffles Fuzzytuft
Sparky %26 Barney
Hunny Buns
Pixie %26 Dixie
Two-Bit %26 Pony Boy
Bubbles or Bubbly or Bubba!
Rusty (good for cinnamon hamsters)
Yogi %26 Boo Boo
Buttonz %26 Plaid
Sleeper %26 Spinner
Smooches %26 Muah
Duffy %26 Duncan
Xui Li and Drew
Mojo and Mugwump
Fibber %26 Slinky
Comet %26 Twinkles
Gwenda %26 Grumpy
Buster %26 Owen
Harry (or hairy!)
Hippity Hop
Poncho %26 Wooster
Wing Wong %26 Hank Honk
Walla Walla
Destiny %26 Eternity
Hopper %26 Dart
Ernie and Bernie
Hippity Hop %26 Polka dot
Kasha %26 Zi Zi
Hippo and Bush Baby
Sophia %26 Mildred %26 Elmer
Chet Baker
Chip and Dale
Belle and Sebastian
Turner and Hooch
Hilda and Oscar
Squeaker %26 Snowball
Luv Bug
Nestum, Flippy, and Tooty
Scobie %26 Shoobie Doo
Arvin %26 Alvin
Pekkles %26 Sachet
Rin Tin Tin
Ruby Skye
Chippy %26 Babushka
Little Richard %26 Calliope
Shelby %26 Rugby
Becky %26 Bonita
Paddy Paws %26 Beau
Wiglet and Nibbles or Nibbler
Niblet or Nibbelina
Echo %26 Sunset
Igloo and Polar Bear
Felix %26 Jasper
Honey Cloud
Rowdy %26 Buster Brown
Honey %26 Delphine ; )
Tinky Winky (and lala and dipsy and.)
Regal Names
Pharoah %26 Cleopatra
Swami Hamaranda
Maxibillion and Little Scissors
Lady Coralina
Socrates %26 Liberace
Little Lord Run-a-lot
Lady Miss Twinkletoes
Cornelius Hamulus
Winslow Hamster
Phineas D. Hamster
Elwood and Elvis
Wolgang Hamadeus Mozart
Rapunzel %26 Rumplestiltskin
King Far-Eeek
Genghis Kham
Princess Yum Yum and Stitch
Jamocha Von Herberstaadt
Priscilla Queen of the Hamsters
Leonardo DiHamstrio
Sir Galaham
Belisarius (white prince)
Princess Tiny Feet
King Tama %26 Queen Onada
Ajax (greek warrior)
Basil Hambone
Horace the Hamster
Daisy May %26 LuLu Belle Hamstafeller
Hugo Von Hammelstein
Princess Pretzel
Maestro or Moustro (or Astro!)
Czarina Hameletta Hamanofsky
International Names
Momotaro (peachboy in japanese)
Kin Chung (golden bell)
Cipollino (italian)
Hadji Ba Ba (indian)
Leilani (heavenly flower - hawaii)
Tsing %26 Tsang (china)
Kitch Kitch (chippewa)
Wasabi (japan - also a food name)
Sanjay (india)
Furbo (cunning - italy)
Candida (pure white - italy)
Tortinella / Tortinello
Tsao Tzu
Siggy and Manfried
Crema %26 Crispino (creamy %26 curly - italy)
Ulle (sweden)
Sieben und Elf (seven %26 eleven - germany)
Onigiri (means "rice ball" in japan)
Wing Wong %26 Wong Wei
Nadia Haminici %26 Sasha
Aloha %26 Leilani Kamaniwanaplay
Giedra %26 Audra (lithuanian)
Ivana Hamster
Pequenito (little one - mexico)
Chi-Kee-Nee-Pook (little deer - hupa indian)
or Pequenela (feminine)
Liebchin (sweetheart - germany)
Nir %26 Gillie (hebrew)
Asabi %26 Jawzi (nervouse %26 nutty -egypt)
Nanook (bear - eskimo)
Mugu Mugu %26 Oshinko
Meeshko (cute little mouse in serbian)
Koo-Ratz and Pishki
Piccolo or Piccola (small flute - italy)
Dinkleblau (blueblack - germany)
Lumpie or Lumpenkerl (ragamuffin - germany)
Oi Na (little jewel - american indian)
Hotaru %26 Hoshi (firefly %26 star - japan)
Nani No (nothing - japan)
Kopek %26 Zirr (little coin %26 button - russia)
Netsuke (tiny japanese ivory carvings)
Mushka (little fly - russia)
Little Nikita and Lola
Kimchee (korea - also a food name)
Azuki (sweet black bean in japan)
Leng Loi (pretty lady in chinese)
Yan Eh (handsome one in chinese)
Flower %26 Woodland Names
Pinecone %26 Butternut
Honeysuckle %26 Nectarina
Barley %26 Hops
Buttercup and Barley
Periwinkel %26 Rowena
Willow %26 Acorn
Pumpkin 8
Hickory and Chicory
Petunia Blossom
Orange Blossom
Holly Berry
Morning Glory
Ms. Peaches
Cranberry and Teaberry and Blueberry
Rose, Marigold, Tulip or Wisteria
Lilly Belle
Violet or Lilac or Lavender
Lil' Twigs %26 Bambi
Mistletoe %26 Thistle
Iris %26 Daffodil
Animal Names
Krazy Kritter
Busy Bear or Fuzzy Bear or Bearskins
Panda Moanium
Fishlips (?)
Kid Koala
Furball or Fuzzykins
Hairy Hamilton
Theodore E. Bear (for teddy ham hams)
Oddz %26 Endz
Photon %26 Moko!
Kinko and Malibu
Quark %26 Ozone
Gadget %26 Oily (or Greasy)
Xacto and Zig Zag
Neutron or Proton or Electron
Monkeywrench %26 Micro Chip
Flip Flop
Wingnut or Gizmo
Wack %26 Unwrap
Alpha %26 Beta
Kling %26 Klang
Amex %26 Visa
Hexagon %26 Crimpy
Shasta %26 McKinley
Bilbo %26 Frodo
Tampa %26 Chad
Santa %26 Rudolph
Hydro %26 Ozmosis
Oil Can Harry
Nutrino %26 Gravity
Mr Phoebus and Zingers
Hodge Podge or Modge Podge
Luna %26 Estrella (moon %26 stars)
Logic %26 Spigot %26 Widget
Tinsel %26 Corkscrew
Doobie %26 Weed
Ibiza and Majorca
Scorpio and Hamaranco
Anikin Tubewalker
Spoo and Pigabyte
Clicker %26 Dufus
No Name
Neige, Nublar and Nova
Reverend Furbal and Nebula

Wat kind of toys can i make for my hamster with everyday things?

hes fat
You can make your own hamster toys or buy some readymade ones that are on the market in petstores. Homemade toys that your hamster will enjoy include :
swinging toilet tube rolls - dangle these and watch your little hamster swing off their new toy like Tarzan (or Jane)
if you are fortunate enough to have an apple tree in the backyard, you can snap off a branch and put it in your hamster cage - your hamster will enjoy using it as a climbing frame and gnawing on the branch - great to keep those incisor teeth in shape!
use a shorter branch from the apple tree and make a trapeze and watch your hamster swing off it!
empty egg cartons make lovely nesting boxes for dwarf hamsters - just cut holes on either side and watch your hamsters burrow into them - great hamster toy!
Try a papertowel roll..
The toilet paper tube is good, and you can make a little maze out of small boxes, like the kind poptarts come in, cut holes in them and then tape them together so the holes open into each other to make a maze, you can untape them every so often and retape them in a different pattern. You can also train it to climb a rope by tying the rope to the top of his cage and then slowly luring him up it with his favorite food. Wooden bird ladders are good too, they aren't household Items, but they can heldp him lose weight from climbing.
Check this out. These are for rats, but I'm sure they'll work for your hammy too!
Hi, to keep my hamster occupied he has his wheel and plenty of tubes. If you want you're hamsters' life to be more interesting try hiding bits of food around the cage. Also, i put strips of toilet paper in the cage for him to take away and build a next with. Just gives them something to do :)

Wat iz a good name for a boy guinea pig?

me and my sis recently bought a baby boy guinea pig at the pet store and we dont have a name for him yet wat should we name him
something having to do with his coloring is a good idea, or maybe a fav. person/charachter of you and your sister, if you can agree, my son is 5 and has a guinea pig named Yoda, lol I know but he loooves Star Wars and it was that or Darth Vadar (since he is black) so I agreeded to yoda.
we have another named Eeyore and anoth named Lady Sofie, she's mine ;-)
Choc chip
Brown sugar
I luv food names for animals!
frankie or charlie
how about tsunami.
My boars are called Rico, Harley, Merlin and Ruben.
You do realise guinea pigs are social animals right? Meaning they need to live in pairs, or groups?
Rufus or Ritz
trippy or,
or tigger
tigger is my lil sisters favorite pooh bear character on that tv show
trust me it will be a great name once u get to know him. i regret not naming my pig tat. he is a real squeaker. ;p

Was my gerbil's tail docked?? Why no tail?

I bought a gerbil book and noticed this new baby gerbil I got only has a stub for a tail?? I can't imagine this would be the case but in the book it shows baby gerbils even younger than the one I have with tails. Is it just the breed of Gerbil I have? He's a male, white , and then a cream/tan color
Gerbils naturally have a tail as long as the body with a tuft of fur at the end.
Tail sloughing
Gerbils can lose their tails due to improper handling. The first sign is a loss of fur from the tip of the tail, then, the skinless tail then dies off and sloughs, with the stump usually healing without complications. However, in some cases, the tail may need to be amputated.
This may be the case with your gerbil. It is also possible that your gerbil had its tail chewed off by another animal.
Gerbils that are missing part of their tails normally indicate a pet store or owner that gave them an improper wheel or someone who lifted the gerbil by the tail incorrectly and there is nothing inherently wrong with such an animal except that they look different from other gerbils.
Unless your gerbils tail seems to be bothering it, or looks sore or infected (in which case it needs to be seen by a veterinarian), I wouldn't worry about it.
Are you sure you haven't been sold a HAMSTER instead?

Was it too soon?

My hamster had babies in january, and she had another lot 3 days ago, she's doing fine and so are the babies but I just wondered if u thought it was a bit soon?? I'm so happy and proud of her. I think she loves being a mummy!! =)
i think you need to stop putting her in with a male.
she could have had some that werent developed enough? well if they all are healthy them im sure its fine!
If the hamster is normal then everything is fine.
it's been 5 months nothing wrong with that I've had hamsters (male and female that I had to keep together during and after pregnancy because I didn't have another cage) that bred right after (he tried while she was labour !~.~) she gave birth of course she got pregnant again and soon had 13 more babies (on top of the 9 first ones!) Luckily he was a pretty good father raised them well (I was afraid he'd eat them and she'd fight with him but I couldn't be more wrong.)
i can tell from the question that you really care for her. as long as all are healthy and she's not having litter after litter than 5 months is okay.
Mine is about to have babies!
stop putting her with the male hammy (to mate) if you dun want any more babies, hamsters breed very easily!

Wanting that hamster.?

i still want a hamster. ive been typing a letter to my mom on my laptop and also i have it all organzied about the stuff i need and names and stuff like that. but, how do i fully convince my mom to get me a hamster? i take care of the animals i already have and i do chores to get on her good side (my siblings dont even do chores so i think thats a plus!!). how do i fully convince her?
along with the letter you need to include a list of all the supplies you will need and the prices for all those supplies and some facts about how much they eat and how often their habitat needs to be cleaned. that will show that you have thought it out and know that it requires some work. you can also offer to pay for half of the cost of teh hamster or supplies or write up a sort of contract outlining your responsibilities and how you plan to uphold them in order to convince your mom that you are serious.
get everything u need and tell her with cute little watery eyes.."see mom ..all i need is the hamster now..".by the way how old are u?
well i have had plenty of hamsters to tell you its NOT easy...i read the books before and and all that but it was still hard.tell them that if it passes within 2weeks you wont ask for another.
Well, try the letter. This sounds like a good plan! When you are all done typing the letter, give it to her. Wait until she responds back to you, don't keep asking her about it. When she talks to you about the letter, be prepared, you might not get the answer that you want. If you do get the wrong answer, tell your Mom that you gave it a shot. Well, YOU DID! But, if your Mom says that you get a hamster, hug her and say "Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!"
I hope that this helps! If you have any other questions, or, it doesn't work, you can e-mail me at:! GOOD LUCK!
well start out asking for something really expensive, like a horses. Beg and beg for a horse for like a week. Then, we your riding in the car with your mom, sy " Mom, i give up on the horse. Can I just have something small, like a hamster?" Then it doesnt seem like as big of a deal. Trust me im a professional. :]
I couldn't come up with ANYTHING better than THAT!!!
Some people do not like hamster. And there is no way to change their minds.
But good luck in trying.
Hamsters have a foul smell as rodents they urinate almost constantly - carefully research the best way to house and keep them clean if you can prove to your mom that you can keep the smell at bay you will have a much better chance of convincing her.
If you have a dog or a cat or whatever pets you currently have, show your mom how responsible you are by taking care of one or all your pets for a week. You must feed, bathe, water, and walk those pets and nobody else can help you. This will help. Make sure your Mom knows you are doing this, though!
You can tell her that you'll pay for the checkups and you can also potty train your hamster so the cage won't stink as much. But when you get a hamster,check how much evrything costs,because evrything total for my hamster was 55$
Say you've reconsidered whether you really want a hamster. As your mom breathes a sigh of relief, ask for a snake instead.
My mom let me have a rat after I spent three years or more asking for a snake. Admittedly I didn't know I wanted a rat until I saw this charming albino in the pet shop around the same time I was starting to give up on the snake issue. But now I can't imagine NOT having my handsome little rodent!
Suggest that if a hamster isn't an option, you could get a snake. You only have to feed them and clean their cage once a week, they don't smell, they don't set off allergies, they can't tear/chew up the furniture, they're gorgeous (I think), they live a lot longer than rodents do, they're completely silent, and they can stay in your room out of sight of any visitors who might faint if they learn you have a snake in the house.
Just neglect to mention that snakes are brilliant escape artists, or if you do mention it, point out that hamsters are NOT escape artists.
If your mom is anything like mine, she'll do a lot to keep a snake out of her house. A hamster will seem like a wonderful alternative - especially if you are one of the lucky few gifted with big pleading eyes.

Wanting a pet mouse or rat?

Okay, i live in Australia and i want a pet mouse or rat.
1. which one is better
2. what is the difference between the two
3. which one is easier to care for
4. which one is cheaper
Try to answer as much of these questions as you can. If you can't answer all of it then that is okay :-)
1. which one is better - Rats, paws down.
2. what is the difference between the two - Rats. They're much smarter and have much more control over their bowels. They live longer and are trainable.
3. which one is easier to care for - Probably mice, but only in the fact that it doesn't really matter how much you play with them, in my experience, they'll always be generally antisocial and incontinent. Rats can play with you for HOURS. They're much like more affordable version of a ferret and they have much more personality than a mouse.
4. which one is cheaper - I'd say they cost about the same. You've got housing, food, toys, etc. You'll get more bang for your buck, however, out of a rat. They're such pleasant company!
mouse is cheaper-they are smaller
mouse is easier-less to clean
rats are bigger, can be played with more
better is a matter of preference
what do you want from a pet?
Do you want to watch them from their cage, or will you be wanting to hold them a lot? Mice are super cute, but not too practical for holding a bunch. Rats are bigger, love to sit on your shoulder, and nuzzle the back of your neck. The best pick is all about what you want from your furry little friend.
A rat is a lot bigger than a mouse, so it would probably cost more to feed. In my opinion, mice are cuter. They both would be about the same to care for. You would have to feed them, give them water and clean the cage. Mice sell for cheaper.
I had a few mice. They were easy to care for. They do smell though, so you have to clean them pretty often. I used to clean mine everyday. I also used cedar shavings. I never had a rat due to the fact that a friend of mine had one and it bit her.
While neither is "better" there are some differences you should consider. Mice are slightly less intelligent than rats and will usually take to running wheels and balls with a lot of enthusiasm. Rats on the other hand are too intelligent to be satisfied running nowhere. They will have to get outside of cage time everyday to get their excersize. Mice live shorter lives, averaging 1-2 years, while rats average 3 or more. Mice are WAY more fragile and cannot handle extreme climates or any form of rough handling. Mice will have to be guraded against escaping from their cage as even the tiniest bit of bending of cage bars will allow them to escape. Rats usually are more laid back than mice as a rule, but there are a lot of hyper rats out there and a lot of calm mice. Both rats and mice should have a same sex friend preferrably from the same litter/pet store cage. Mice are generally cheaper, but rats are generally fairly cheap too. Where I get my rats they are 3.50 for a junenile and 6.50 for adults and the mice are 2.50 regardless of age. Both are pretty much the same care level but mice will take up a lot less space in your house.
1.Rats are WAY better pets.
2. Mice are more nervous, don't like to be handled as much, aren't as smart, etc., etc..
3. Rats housing needs to be cleaned more often, but they're worth it.
4. They're both inexpensive - you'll pay a little more for a rat.
Choose a rat that is obviously friendly-you can't change their personalities. Get one only if you have time to spend with it regularly, otherwise get two. They're very social.
1. mouse
2.mouse is smaller
4.mouse - $2 at petco
Mice = Smaller
Rat = Bigger
Mice are really squirmy and very curious about most things.
They are easy to take care of. You can have multiples but make sure they're both the same gender. You need watch them if you take them out and clean their cage every week. (they poop alot! every 4 seconds!)
Plus: Their like REALLY cheap + supplies
Rats are squirmy and very messy. They are cute, and yet they can get fat easily. They need a big giant cage,waterbottle, etc. which is alot of cash out of your pocket! They're also very smart.
Plus: Their expensive + supplies

I would say a mouse, but that's your decision.

Wanted to Adopt a Steralised female Rabbit?

Hi Am newbie in rabbit. I adopted a male rabbit and is going to steralise him soon. I think I would get him a companion. He is housed in 5x3 ft enclosure.
Anyone is giving up a female steralised rabbit small to medium size as the male is quite small. Dun know what breed but he has pointed ears up and wire hair. Thanks for answering
try there are bunnies in need of homes there
you can try looking at to adopt another rabbit! you are doing a great thing by abopting and getting them fixed!
Best to try
You will have lots to choose from! Good luck finding your new friend.

Want Fancy Rat!?

I really want to get one of thoes Fancy rats from the pet stores to have as a pet but I need to convince my dad to let me get one first. He doesnt like rodents!
Don't worry. I am trying to convince my mom too. First you have to tell them all the all the positive things about them. For instants, tell them that they don't make much noises.
Well, first you need to convince your dad you are responsible enough to have a pet. Get good grades in school, keep your room clean, and do all your chores (and some extra ones), without being asked.
It also helps to do lots and lots of research on rats. Learn as much about them as you can. How to care for them, their biology, and fun facts. Maybe write a paper on rats and their care for your dad to read so he knows how cool they really are.
Third, get a job of some kind and pay for everything yourself. About $100.00 should get you a basic set up.
In the end, don't be too bummed if your dad says no. It's not fair to any pet if they are not wanted by all members of the household.
If he says no, convince him to let you volunteer at your local humane society so you can look after the homeless rats. He'll be impressed that you want to volunteer your time to help the community...which may also make him more open to saying yes.
Get the rest of the family on your side and form an alliance. Research rats and tell him how wonderfull of a pet they are to own. The are very tame gentle little souls. Good Luck
It toke me a long time to get my folks to let me have one. Just keep at it, don't cave in. Rats are awsome pets.

Walking a rabbit?

I bought a harness for my dwarf rabbit and I want to walk her. Has anyone ever done this? How does the rabbit actually react?
My bunny hates being walked, he thinks I'm chasing him so he runs away. So I don't use a leash, I just trust him and let him run around (he always goes inside his cage by himself =) ). I read somewhere that if you do walk them, you should let them lead you, not the other way around. Another option you have is setting up a run ( a little fenced in area) if you don't want to walk your bunny.
yes you can do this. My sister has a dwarft with a harness and leash. The rabbit (Mr.Big Winks) loves it. He walks on the leash without any problems.
You have to get them used to it. Slowly - probably 15 minutes at a time just around the house at first.
I knew someone who got their rabbit used to it. But, they aren't dogs. The ARE going to stop sometimes and wander or graze - in nature, they don't lope along for extended times like dogs do - you need to consider that.
If you only want her to be able to exercize, buy a pen. (But it would be more fun to walk her!)
make it as tight as the bunny is comfortable with (make sure you can put your fingers in between to make sure its not to tight) walk it around the house first to make sure that the rabbit is comfortable with walking and cant / wont get out of the harness. 3 of my rabbits liked to be walked but one of the hates it i actually had to chase one of mine around the whole yard before i caught him!
it will be ok just make sure u dont walk by any sharp objects or it will get stuck in there foot.
This girl round by me (We used 2 call her house a zoo)
she had like 10 hamsters
20 guinie pigs
4 goats
10 rabbits
ahd she used 2 walk the rabbits and goats.
my moms friend has done it. the rabbit even has a litter box! the rabbit is so cute! its name is cookie
it all depends on the rabbit, each one has their own personality, and it also depends on how you break the rabbit into being restrained. My norwegian dwarf loved to be walked, he would run and jump and have a good time. Where as my dutch is still getting used to the halter and leash. She gets very tense when I put it on her. I just started taking her outside more and she's starting to loosen up a bit. But some rabbits are so stuborn that you can't even get the halter on them.
its a horrible experience for me...i think rabbits would never like this because they enjoy being free.
ive tried two of my rabbits and no matter how tight i put it theyd always get out of it. my moms bf has made it tight enough b4 i think and its not really any fun because i end up dragging them to where they want to go.
no matter how tight you put it, it will not hurt the bunny as the leash is made for rabbits. they will try to wriggle out only because they dont like the experience but its not because its hurting them. its not very useful as you can not really lead the rabbit where you want to go. rabbits are known to hop wherever they want so you have to let them lead you. if you dont mind the rabbit being the leader then id say go ahead and try it out. i suppose its something theyd have to get used to. once theyre used to it then they wont try to wiggle out.
I bought harnesses for my rabbits and they hate it. They struggle when you are trying to get the harness on. It is very difficult. Once you get them on, they just try to bite it off. Or they just sit there and lay flat. They don't walk. I tug a little to tell them to go, but they just sit there staring at me. I already gave up!
I bought a harness for my rabbit. She didn't mind me putting the harness on, but hated it when I attached the leash! I gave up after the first try, but if you are patient you can get them used to it. Make sure you do not walk your rabbit where there may be dogs about.

Vote on Gerbil's?

How many Gerbils do you have?
Two 4 months old beautiful brothers
none, but I have a hamster and 4 mice. And am thinking about getting a couple Degus.
i have 2 females, one named lily and the other named lila. one is 2 yrs old and the other is 1.
a lot, I work with them, we keep many together and try to make sure they are sold in pairs.
I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!
None but I have a hamster called garfield %26lt;3
x x x x x x x x x x x

Vitamins for my guinea pig?

I am thinking about buying thi product:LM Animal Farms Daily Liquid Multi-Vitamins for Guinea Pigs. I was wondering if I really needed it or if my piggie could live without it. The reviews are good ( you can find them on but I am not sure I really need it.
Not multi vitamins but definitely add Vitamin C to the diet. Unless you know the content of vitamin C in the fruits and vegies you are feeding and the g.p. is eating the right amount EVERY DAY, he will be deficient. It is easy to add a chewable tablet or liquid drops to his diet daily. They need about 25-50mg a day. Lack of the right amount of Vitamin C is the biggest reason g.p.'s get sick.
NO NO NO!! Please do not feed a guinea pig multi vitamins. They do not need it and it can be down right dangerous. The ONLY vitamin that MIGHT need to be supplemented is vitamin C. That's only if your pigs aren't getting vitamin C rich veggies. If you do supplement vit. c, use pure vit C tablets or drops. No mulitvitamins. It is VERY easy to overdose your pig with multivitamins and kill him.
yes, but the vitamin C ones are the imporant ones not the multi ones they do need them even though it doesn't shoe but they can have future problems with their bones like the feet mostly that is how my last guinea pig died from not getting enough vitamins so yes you really need them and also make sure they have a chewign block so that their teeth stay in order or they can die that way 2..
Guinea pigs don't absolutely NEED vitamin C tablets/pills/drops, etc. As long as you feed them fresh fruits and veggies every night, and vitamin C supplemented in their pellet food, their fine. (The vitamin C is already in the pellets when you buy them) Please don't add vitamin C drops to their water, as this will make it taste funny, and your guinea pig will refuse to drink, causing weight loss, serious illness, and even death. You can, however, use vitamin C tablets that you crush up and put in their food. I've answered all your other questions, and you really need to do some more research on piggies. Here are some GREAT sites:
Read EVERYTHING on the site, if you have time.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
with a well-balanced diet, guinea pigs don't need any vitamins.
also, in light vitamin c evaporates out of the water fairly quickly so the vitamins would be more or less pointess.
I wouldn't buy them. They can make their water taste funny and they may not drink as much and get sick! They make vitamin c tablets, but as long as u give them pellets, timothy hay, and fruits and veggies they should be fine! So yes your guinea pig can and should be able to live without them.
No no no no no vitamin water or vitamins, salt licks, wheels, rolling balls. Your guinea pig will be fine if you give him one cup of vegetables daily. If you add those drops to the water, it might make them not want to drink, and they will eventually dehydrate.
On a regular balanced diet including GP pellets, Timothy Hay and Vitamin C drops with fresh fruits and veg daily, no Cavie needs additional vitamin drops. It unbalances a balanced diet. You do not need it. You seem like a loving and responsible Cavey owner, keep up the good work.

Vet schedule per year for a guinea pig?

What do you mean? I will answer the question as much as I can through my understanding of what you are trying to ask.
Guinea pigs need to go for an annual check up every year. This should be done at an exotic vet as the people that work at these places specialise in rodents like guinea pigs, whilst this will cost more it is better for the health of your guinea pig.
Other than this guinea pigs need to be taken to the vet if there is any sign of lethargy, blood, blood in urine, distress, pain etc. If you are worried about the health of your guinea pig, take it to the vet. Do not dismiss signs as allergies, take the piggy to the vet. Guinea Lynx is a great site all about the health of your guinea pig
Good Luck!!
Give them an annual checkup every year. There are not many guinea pig vets, but at least take them to one vet every year.

Vet Problem?

Do you know any places in LA that takes in hamsters for a check-up? A vet? It would even help more if you could tell me a vet in or near Wilshiere Street. I want my hammy to live long,healthy, and happy life.
Look in your local directory for all the local vets in your area, and call each one to see if they employ a vet who specialises in small animals.
I live in England and i have seen on the answers page how difficult it is in some parts of America to get a vet to look at pets like hamsters.
What your doing is fanstastic. Just because hamsters have a shorter life span they should still be treated with lots of love and care. They are prone to so many illnesses that I applaud you for wanting to take it for a check up.
I do this also. It costa 拢12 here, which is about $20 to you. Our vet checks harry for any suspicious lumps and bumps, checks his heart, his legs, teeth, mouth, eyes and ears, and because he is male she checked his scent glands and for hair loss too.
I know I cant answer where your local vet is, but I wanted to let you know what a great idea it is, and strongly recommend it. We want our hammie to live to a ripe old age! He is a year old now, so we will be taking him every 6 months or so for a check up x
my vet claims he doesnt work on some animals. but he has to much of a heart and will do anything he can. just call and see. One of the best things you can do is rember that you should not use the cedar shavings. They cause cancer. This was recently discovered just a couple of years ago. Do not use one of the wire wheels for running. I heard of hamsters getting there legs caught between the wires and breaking it. use the plastic wheel. Or the ball works really great. take the hamster out and put in the ball and watch it roll all over the floor. good luck with your hamster.

Vet payment?

How much do you pay for a dwarf a hamster to get a check up and how much for a teeth trim and you can also give me some of the additional costs as well...thanks
Chew toys should always be readily available for your hamster to chew on. These alone should help prevent the need for trimming of the teeth. But if you must take your hamster to the vet, I would advise you NOT to go to Petsmart's vet office. I asked how much they charged to clip my guinea pig's nails, and they charge $21 each! (for a nail trim!) As compared to my local vet, which charges only $6. Since Petsmart is a chain, they tend to charge outrageous amounts for vet care. Call around and see what vets in your area charge to care for small animals. Good luck!
Your hamster should have lots of chew toys to prevent him from needing to have his teeth trimmed. Prices will vary and some vets may not even see hamsters. Call vets in your area and compare prices.
Maybe 20-40

Vet cost to fix RECTAL PROLAPSE in hamster?

My kids just notice this after noon that are hamster has something dragg from it behide.We thought at first it was a baby comming out. Then i did reach search and notice it was rectal prolapse.I'm scared it might die. How much is a vet cost push it back in or to fix the problem?
Rectal prolapse in hamsters occur when the hamster has been straining due to constipation or diarrhea; due to incorrect and unsupervised diet.
A vet may be able to manually reposition the prolapse into the body if there has not been damage or tearing.
This is not possible very often, and the hamster will die, or will have to be put to sleep.
Not worth it, I am sure.
dude dont use hampsters like that
Take it in and have it put to sleep. It WILL die a painful death if you leave it as is. This happened to a cat of mine once, and the surgery is expensive with only a 50/50 recovery chance. I don't even know if they will preform such a surgery on an animal as small as a hamster.
idk call the vet and ask
Visit an exotic vet, and not a cat %26 dog vet. The vet might be able to do a payment plan with you so you will be able to pay for your hamster to get it fixed. I don't know anything about the condition your hamster has. Just go to the vet and see.
go to an exotic pet vet, they deal with hammies, depending on the age of the hamster, and your finances, they will tell you how to handle it, and possibly on the payment plan. Are you sure it's not a male and what you see is his huge balls hanging out??

Vet Check up?

I know dogs and cats can have standard health check ups at the vets like us humans do at the doctors. But do vets do simple health check ups on smaller animals like hamsters? (In the UK) My hamster seems happy and healthy enough, but it would be nice to have a proffessional opinion of a vet and a check over.
Yes, there should be vets that you can take him to, and it's a very good idea that you do! (And a very good idea that you're thinking about it NOW while the hammy is still healthy, instead of waiting to find one when a problem has already developed! Hurrah for you!)
You're lucky, over there across the pond you have many many very active hamster clubs and breeders as resources. Over here in America, hamster fancy is not such a big hobby, so we have more troubles finding what we need.
Check out the British Hamster Association (BHA) webpage, and if you don't see vets listed, drop them an email with your location and ask about vets that are well-versed in hamsters in your area. I'm sure they could help you.
Again, great going on thinking about this NOW instead of later when there's already a problem. I could hug you.
Yes you should be able to. They are small animal vets. Hamsters are small animals. hehe you should take it in.

Very urgent ... my husband determine to go catch it ... and its a SKUNK .. plzzzzzzzzzzzz help urgently?

ok we set a trap for a beaver that has been messing around in the back yard a lot but we got a skunk instead and my husband is determine to deal with it himself plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz advise
Call animal control.
The skunk will spray, and you will regret it for a long long long time.
If he gets sprayed soak him in a bath of tomato juice. Dummy. LOL
if your husband isn't listening to you, common sense or the fact the thing smells already, then what makes you think he's going to listen to .
let him know that smell won't come off for a couple of days.
shoot it with a tazer gun, to stun it then put it in the woods
whatever you do, please don't kill it.
shoot it
or water it
Can you say "Got tomatoe Juice"? Leave it there until morning and call the Game and Wildlife, or Zoo? Ask them. It will be o.k. till then.
ok, if he even goes near it, and spooks it it will spray. you cant shoot it cuz it will spray, you cant touch it becuase they are prone to have rabease, however you spell that, and it will spray him...he cant touch it, call animal control ii think thats they only way you can get rid of it.
Have you caught it yet? if you have, either call ANIMAL CONTROL or if you have woods near you, then you can just go and put it in the woods and itll go about its business. or f you haven't caught it do what you have been doing. also you could just take it far away like 5 or ten miles to the woods or a forest or something by car, just lay a towl under it or something.. your best bet is probably to call animal control good luck!!
NOT a good idea. Skunks can be rabies carriers (as can beavers and any other mammal). Skunks are not typically aggressive, but can and will bite if hurt or cornered. Never mind the spraying.
If he gets in contact with ANY bodily fluid of a wild animal he would have to undergo rabies shots.
Oh noooo!!
Call animal control!
Or Dept. of Forestry... they will tell you what to do.
this site tells what to do in such a situation
it says:
carefully approach the trap with a large sheet in front of you, laying the sheet over the top of the trap. Then it's up to you to relocate your little friend.
put garbage in garage, get rid of trap(life threatning to skunk/beaver) just watch out for it and if u see it scare it away!
This ought to be good! Once a man has made up his mind to deal with an animal himself, it's already too late. Just try to convince him to deal with it from along distance. I found, shooting it in the head with a 22 will do the job and help prevent any reactionary spraying.
once he gets sprayed he'll never want that to make it happen again, not only smells bad, but uncomfortable in so many other ways!
sometimes ya gotta let people learn the hard way.
Lol, this happens to us all the time! My dad has a vendetta with a fox that eats our chickens, so he sets live traps and half the time catches stuff he doesn't want to, in many cases skunks.
I don't know that there is a good way to go about it, but this has always worked for us (as in we didn't get sprayed).
I'm assuming its a live trap? If so... Cautiously and slowly approach, while keeping anything that could antagonize it (dogs etc) out of the area and talking very softly. If it turns toward you to spray, get outta there! If not, you just keep getting closer and open the cage and prop it up with something. I'm always surprised at how much it takes for them to actually spray. I mean, a giant coming towards me would result in it getting blasted by stinky stuff.
If its an actual trap trap, call animal control, or if it is really bad, just put it out of its misery.
GOOD Luck! =)
Don't know where you are, but here in Florida we can call animal control for problems like this. One thing is for sure - if he gets sprayed I would lock the doors and not let him back in the house!
Call the local wildlife protection agency to come pick it up...
If he insists on getting it himself and gets sprayed, tell him "I told you so" and be prepared to live with the smell for a couple of weeks! Tomato juice and douch will help a little, but nothing will completely take the smell away.
Let him. Just get the tomato juice and put it on the back porch and lock the doors. He can come back in the house after you can't smell skunk.
Actually you don't have to lock him out (darn). But you will need tomato juice. It does work better than the stuff marketed for the purpose. Make sure you have several large cans of tomato juice, it will take several baths to reduce the smell to tolerable level. Hope he learns enough not to do this again.
Let it go with,
Don't let your husband touch it
unless you want a stinky husband
Oh, Sister! I hope you have some Lysol Disinfectant Spray, in fact, that may not even cut it. Once that smell gets on you, you can't get it off. It has to wear off. And when they squirt or spray at you, it really shoots out. Does your honey really want to mess with "Stinky" now? They'll only spray if they feel they're in danger like being cornered and so, I have a feeling your honey is in for a real live treat if he plans to catch it. Those little furry friends have some very sharp claws. Also, they can carry rabies.
Skunks are foragers. Their diet is quite wide including grubs, worms and insects. Little round holes dug in your yard are a tell tale sign of these critters digging for grubs and worms. One way to help repel them is to treat your yard to get rid of this source of food. In search of grubs, skunks will dig numerous round holes in your yard while at times leaving their signature scent in the middle of the night. At times this scent can wake you up out of a deep sleep! They are also well known for claiming the underside of your deck or shed as their home.
We haven't had any skunks, thank goodness, but raccoons yes, and opossums. I found a web site for you to view and hopefully will help you save the day for your husband in his attempt to rid his family of the skunk situation. I would be wearing me a suit of armour, head gear, boots, gloves and maybe it won't be a bad idea taking along your garden hose just in case you need to spray the little bugger! Good luck friend!
i have caught several skunks in cages in an attempt to catch a feral cat that was attacking everything in sight.. i let them all out on my own and i have never been sprayed! first thing you do is sneak up on the cage and throw a thick old blanket over it, lift the door up and lift the other end, when it is out of the cage but still under the blanket high tail it then he will leave on his own no harm to anyone.
I read somewhere about catching them. Tell him to cover the trap with a blanket so the skunk won't see him, and if he does and does spray, it'll hit the blanket. Another thing to do with that, bring some food out-they'll eat anything, and toss it in to the cage before covering it. Tell him to be careful when he opens it/unlocks it-don't let Pepe La Peu bite or scratch him!!
I had that surprise once too, when I was trying to live trap an opossum. Here's what I did... I put old clothes on, a pair of
glasses to shield my eyes, and a baseball cap to protect my
hair. I took an old blanket, and slowly, quietly approached the live trap. The skunk watched me, and as long as I moved slowly, it did not do anything. I covered the trap with the blanket, picked the trap up slowly, and carried it to the edge of the woods. I sat the trap
down, slowly uncovered the cage, and slowly lifted up the door.
Then I slowly stepped away from the cage. The skunk came out, sniffed the wind to get it's bearings, and waddled of into the woods. They won't spray unless they absolutely HAVE to.
If you move slowly, they won't spray. They are actually quite cute, and have made good pets when they are raised from babies. (Of course, they have to have the musk gland removed.) Just stay calm, cover the cage, carry it to another area, slowly remove blanket, open door and release!
Voila! Happy person, happy skunk. Did I mention SLOWLY?
Shoot the f.cker...the skunk not your husband..OBV LOL!!!!
erm......... wot?