Thursday, July 30, 2009

Untamed adult rats. Help!?

I have two beautiful rats, Nicky and Baby. I've had both of them since they were babies. I got Nicky first, and Baby was a later addition. I played with Nicky every day when he was little, and I tried to play with Baby, but he was always skittish. Nicky used to be tame, and Baby was semi-tame. But now that they're adults, they're both skittish, and I'm always afraid they're going to bite me, due to a previous rat of mine that bit me on a regular basis. How can I tame my rats, and learn to trust them not to bite me?
You may have to start all over again with bonding with your boys,
Or, it would appear that the boys have become bored, or set in their ways, with their day to day existance. Surprise them, do something different with/for them and spark their interest, and their need, all over again, for you as their caregiver. Spend some fun time with your boys and try......
Ratty Agility
Ratty Clicker Training
"my life has gone to the rats"
Pull their teeth
Rats, especially the males, make GREAT pets. Its usually the females that are skittish and can be aggressive. If they are females, then there is not much you can do, its just their nature.
If they are males, then try improving their diet, give them a larger cage, insure they are getting proper nutrition. Lack of these things will make a male rat get 'antsy' and skittish. Also, be aware of aerosols (hairspray, air freshener) that you spray in the air. Rats react to that stuff.
I had a male rat named Bubba many years ago. he was a great pet, but most people don't realize that the males make better pets than females.
Every day, go to them and offer them some food from your hand. A piece of bread or fruit or popcorn, for example. Spend maybe five minutes a day on this. You can do it twice a day, if you have time.
The first few days (3 to 7, depending on how skittish they are), just give them the food, take your hand out, and stand there while they eat.
Then, for a few days, give them the food, and DON'T take your hand away right away.
Then, slowly start touching them, petting them lightly, after you give them the food. Don't try to pick them up yet, if they're still skittish, or if you're still scared.
Touch them more each day after that, until they will let you pick them up without freaking out, and without you freaking out, either.
Everyone gets tamed. You and them. Enjoy your pets.
feed then stuff like crackers and cereals from you're hand, then they will see u as a good and fun thing to see. they will learn to trust you. then start to pick them up. take baby steps. good luck :)
owner of 2 rats
We had a rat named Nicky too! She passed away, but we've got two others that keep us busy. A favorite rat treat in our house is Cheerios. They always come back for more and that is a good first step in getting them to feel less afraid. We built a "play area" on the top bunk of an old bunk bed set for our rats, and allow them lots of supervised time outside of their cage. I sit with them while they play and supply lots of Cheerios. They have learned to relax and accept me as just another "toy." I didn't actually pick them up very often or even interact with them much and in no time, they were climbing up my pants leg and into my sleeves. It's probably all about the food, but they aren't traumatized by me anymore so I'm happy. They like to cozy up inside my shirt while I scratch their ears. Oh, I almost forgot! I never put my hands in the cage to take them out for "play time." Instead, I put the cage in the play area and coax them out with Cheerios. Then I take the cage away so that they can't run back in and hide. The whole process has taken lots of patience, but it's been fun. Good luck!
You can wear some gloves when you handle them, give them some of your old shirts or socks so they really get used to your smell, and hold them more everyday. It might take a while but it will be worth it.

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