Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two young gerbils on the loose(in my house) do I catch them?

I went camping on August 10 and came back at noon today, August 12. Before I left to go camping I made sure that the gerbils couldn't escape out of their cage. But today when I came back...four gerbils were missing!! Yes, you heard me correctly, four. I originally had two gerbils but one of them was pregnant when we got it from the pet store so it had five baby gerbs...but one of the baby gerbs died so now we have four baby gerbils. The baby gerbils are about 5 weeks old now though, so they can run everywhere. In total, I have six gerbils. The four that were missing were the two adults and two of the babies.
OK. So anyway, we caught the two adult gerbils today already, but we still can't find the two young gerbils!! We (atleast I) have been looking for them but still can't find them. Any advice?
wow this is a tough one but what you need to do is close off the area that they were in and leave PLENTY of food all over the place. gerbils can go pretty long without water. but you need to place 3 very small piles of food in each room. and look every hour to see if any food was taken. clear out anything that could serve as a hiding place fo a gerbil. and most of all make sure that there are no holes in areas where a gerbil could get to and you cant like the back of the fridge or the washing machine. sit in many spots around your house in TOTAL silence and listen carfully for scratching, squeeking and knawing. i hope you find them. and i hope i helped. you can email me any time about gerbil related questions.
Call my brother.
I have no idea how he does it, but he can catch his.
Put food out...they should find it and then you can just pick em up.
Try using a live trap--they catch animals without harming them. All you have to do is add bait.
Good luck finding the gerbils!
make it very dark, and set strong-smelling food out with a laundary basket ready to trap them. Since pet gerbils are not afraid of people, just sit motionless on a chair with the laundary basket over the food.
When one goes for the bait, trap it with the basket.
Darkness is important...they will only come out when it's dark.
to make the search easier, block off all doorways really close like with a stack of books or something that way theyre at least contained in a room... you can search each room thouroughly without them moving from room to room
but that stuff in the store that u can pump into your house, it will paralyze them for life, but it will be much easier to catch them, by the way they will only live a couple more weeks afterwards
Put some apple in a large jar or container of some sort and stack some books or make a stair case to where the gerbil can walk their way up to the top of the jar to get the apple. Then, when they fall in, they cannot get back out. I recommend you do it at night because thats when they are active.
It doesnt matter what room their in.. put it in a main room in the house and they will smell the food.. they have a good sense of smell.
If you can, go room by room to find where they are. Put a board or something flat in front of the doorway while you check each room for evidence they are there or to see if they are under furnature. When you've checked each room make sure to block off the door so they can't get in and then go to the next room. You'll hopefully find them as you narrow down where they could be. Then you can remove what you can on the floor of that room and hopefully catch them.
After you catch them, invest in a large glass tank. Gerbils can chew through little wire bars and scratch through plastic, even if you think the cage is secure. Gerbils are one of the most difficult of the popular rodent pets to keep contained.
you should put a cage with food and the gerbils will smell it an come inside the cage again . Hopefully=]]
O.k this is what i would do...first u get a bucket [one they can't escape out of] and put their food in it and good smelling treats they like to eat [ such as their fav. fruit or veggies] then build a ramp up to the bucket. So when they smell the food they will fall into the bucket and they can't get out! You can put a few of these through-out your house to increase your chances of catching them and keeping them safe. Well i rly hope u find ur little gerbils...good luck =]
Put food that they like out and wait. They'll come to get the food and you can grab them. That's how we caught our hamster anyway.
Buy a LIVE hotel... it is a type of mouse trap that will not kill your gerbils.Put a bunch of that they love in it and you will have back .. Happened to me and i did it
If you have no idea which room it is still easy to find out. They will have to eat sometime. This is a trick we used with our rats when they would sneak off. Take a food you know they like and place a bit in the middle of each room in the house to include the living rooms, common areas and rooms with no doors. Make sure it is something that you can tell if any is missing, like an apple slice or a certain number of food pellets. Then shut each door and rat proof it (or gerbil proof it in this case) by stuffing a sheet or something heavy under the door so they can't get out.
Then just wait. Give it a few hours, maybe even a day and then go carefully, room by room and see which room has food missing. Rodents are notorious for stealing food so they will undoubtedly go grab some when they really want it.
Then once you have narrowed them down to a room, you can either repeat the process with you waiting quietly somewhere in it, or just search the entire room from top to bottom. Keep in mind rodents are very good climbers.
Good luck and I hope you find your little ones!
u need to check behind cabinets, doors, walkways, and under kitchen appliances(mostly where it would be). That must feel bad to have them lost in your house you would be worrying that they would be on you the next morning or in the toilet. Or maybe you can call the orkit man he want spray any thing but he can check.
Get a live trap and put their favorite food in there (example: when my rat escapes I use peanuts). If they're hiding in a particular place (mine was behind the fireplace) then put the trap at the entrance/exit. Catching 4 however will be difficult. Good luck x_x

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