Friday, July 31, 2009

Wanting a pet mouse or rat?

Okay, i live in Australia and i want a pet mouse or rat.
1. which one is better
2. what is the difference between the two
3. which one is easier to care for
4. which one is cheaper
Try to answer as much of these questions as you can. If you can't answer all of it then that is okay :-)
1. which one is better - Rats, paws down.
2. what is the difference between the two - Rats. They're much smarter and have much more control over their bowels. They live longer and are trainable.
3. which one is easier to care for - Probably mice, but only in the fact that it doesn't really matter how much you play with them, in my experience, they'll always be generally antisocial and incontinent. Rats can play with you for HOURS. They're much like more affordable version of a ferret and they have much more personality than a mouse.
4. which one is cheaper - I'd say they cost about the same. You've got housing, food, toys, etc. You'll get more bang for your buck, however, out of a rat. They're such pleasant company!
mouse is cheaper-they are smaller
mouse is easier-less to clean
rats are bigger, can be played with more
better is a matter of preference
what do you want from a pet?
Do you want to watch them from their cage, or will you be wanting to hold them a lot? Mice are super cute, but not too practical for holding a bunch. Rats are bigger, love to sit on your shoulder, and nuzzle the back of your neck. The best pick is all about what you want from your furry little friend.
A rat is a lot bigger than a mouse, so it would probably cost more to feed. In my opinion, mice are cuter. They both would be about the same to care for. You would have to feed them, give them water and clean the cage. Mice sell for cheaper.
I had a few mice. They were easy to care for. They do smell though, so you have to clean them pretty often. I used to clean mine everyday. I also used cedar shavings. I never had a rat due to the fact that a friend of mine had one and it bit her.
While neither is "better" there are some differences you should consider. Mice are slightly less intelligent than rats and will usually take to running wheels and balls with a lot of enthusiasm. Rats on the other hand are too intelligent to be satisfied running nowhere. They will have to get outside of cage time everyday to get their excersize. Mice live shorter lives, averaging 1-2 years, while rats average 3 or more. Mice are WAY more fragile and cannot handle extreme climates or any form of rough handling. Mice will have to be guraded against escaping from their cage as even the tiniest bit of bending of cage bars will allow them to escape. Rats usually are more laid back than mice as a rule, but there are a lot of hyper rats out there and a lot of calm mice. Both rats and mice should have a same sex friend preferrably from the same litter/pet store cage. Mice are generally cheaper, but rats are generally fairly cheap too. Where I get my rats they are 3.50 for a junenile and 6.50 for adults and the mice are 2.50 regardless of age. Both are pretty much the same care level but mice will take up a lot less space in your house.
1.Rats are WAY better pets.
2. Mice are more nervous, don't like to be handled as much, aren't as smart, etc., etc..
3. Rats housing needs to be cleaned more often, but they're worth it.
4. They're both inexpensive - you'll pay a little more for a rat.
Choose a rat that is obviously friendly-you can't change their personalities. Get one only if you have time to spend with it regularly, otherwise get two. They're very social.
1. mouse
2.mouse is smaller
4.mouse - $2 at petco
Mice = Smaller
Rat = Bigger
Mice are really squirmy and very curious about most things.
They are easy to take care of. You can have multiples but make sure they're both the same gender. You need watch them if you take them out and clean their cage every week. (they poop alot! every 4 seconds!)
Plus: Their like REALLY cheap + supplies
Rats are squirmy and very messy. They are cute, and yet they can get fat easily. They need a big giant cage,waterbottle, etc. which is alot of cash out of your pocket! They're also very smart.
Plus: Their expensive + supplies

I would say a mouse, but that's your decision.

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