Thursday, July 30, 2009

Toys/ Treats for Gerbils??

They won't eat fruits or vegetables, but they will eat stale not molded bread. i was looking on and found some things like the knot nut nibbler, a roll-a-nest, and a ka-bob for these bark peices i already have. Are these good and do you have any other suggestions??
grapes, raisans, inners of toilet rolls (they love chewing these up), cardboard, wood, make lots of tunnels, sand in bowl for sand bathes, they will eat vegitables like carrot, lettuce if it isnt too wet otherwise they may take a while to test it out then eat it properly. dont give them anythin plastic like toys cause they wil be gone in a second, gerbils like to forage as well so hide some treats around the cage or scatter some food, gerils absolutely LOVE sunflower seeds too.oh and i also was told to give them the hyde chews you give dogs (usually in shape of a boot or shoe they are cream in colour and slightly see through) dont get the meaty ones just the plain ones so they can chew on them.
When I had gerbils I purchased these yogurt treats at the pet store my gerbils loved them very much and for toys I bought anything made of wood that is animal proof because gerbils like to chew on things and it's good for their teeth to keep them sharpened and shaved down.
One toy Gerbils absolutely LOVE is the cardboard rolls that toilet paper or paper towels are on. After you use up the paper, give the Gerbils the cardboard roll, they will have a blast with it!
One good treat that also helps them keep their teeth from overgrowing, is small dog biscuits such as Milk Bones. They also love to eat field corn and its hardness also helps with their teeth.
Other treats include popcorn (preferably unsalted), crackers, bread crusts, etc. It is funny watching a Gerbil sit up and eat a big piece of popcorn :P
Another good, cheap toy is an ordinary, brown paper lunch sack.

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