Friday, July 31, 2009

Vet cost to fix RECTAL PROLAPSE in hamster?

My kids just notice this after noon that are hamster has something dragg from it behide.We thought at first it was a baby comming out. Then i did reach search and notice it was rectal prolapse.I'm scared it might die. How much is a vet cost push it back in or to fix the problem?
Rectal prolapse in hamsters occur when the hamster has been straining due to constipation or diarrhea; due to incorrect and unsupervised diet.
A vet may be able to manually reposition the prolapse into the body if there has not been damage or tearing.
This is not possible very often, and the hamster will die, or will have to be put to sleep.
Not worth it, I am sure.
dude dont use hampsters like that
Take it in and have it put to sleep. It WILL die a painful death if you leave it as is. This happened to a cat of mine once, and the surgery is expensive with only a 50/50 recovery chance. I don't even know if they will preform such a surgery on an animal as small as a hamster.
idk call the vet and ask
Visit an exotic vet, and not a cat %26 dog vet. The vet might be able to do a payment plan with you so you will be able to pay for your hamster to get it fixed. I don't know anything about the condition your hamster has. Just go to the vet and see.
go to an exotic pet vet, they deal with hammies, depending on the age of the hamster, and your finances, they will tell you how to handle it, and possibly on the payment plan. Are you sure it's not a male and what you see is his huge balls hanging out??

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