Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tough decision between getting pet rats and pet gerbils...?

I posted a Q earlier about gerbies, but I'm having second thoughts on whether I should adopt a pair of rats (same gender, of course), instead. So I'm looking for opinions from people who have raised BOTH animals (don't vouch for one just because it's all you've owned). I've heard rats are amazingly intelligent and friendly, and similar things about gerbils, and I really don't know which to buy! Any advice? I can't get both rats AND gerbils... And of course I'll study up on whatever I'm going to get in the end!
In my experience, Rats are most definantly a better pet.
They are more social, they enjoy human companionshop better than gerbils. Gerbils would be perfectly happy left alone in a cage as long as they had food and water. Rats actually crave human attention.
Rats are easier to tame and train, they are also hardier than gerbils.
Rats smell the least of any small animal, gerbils don't smell much, but rats still smell less.
Rats will not bite if they are socialized at a young age. I have been bitten by gerbils that were hand raised.
Gerbils can get quite attitudinal and unpredictable.
Just my opinion though, you should try to go to a store or breeder who has both and talk to them in person and handle each ( handle a few of each, you don't want to base your opinion on one animal ) and then see which one is right for you...
I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!
You're very right about rats. Get a rate because they are very social, intelligent and trainable. You will benefit much more from getting a rat because a relationship will develop.
Gerbils can be a bit unpredictable and not very social. Rats on the other hand are trainable to do tricks or complete little obstacle courses that you set for them; they're much more entertaining. Rats are also more social. They will let you handle them more without getting jumpy or scared as gerbils have more tendency of doing. Overall, rats would be more entertaining and easier to work with.
Rats are intelligent and nice pets as are gerbils.But Gerbils are small and cute but can be hard to handle and play with since they are so small.Rats are bigger and love to be held and are very nice and sweet.Eitheir one you get you will surely be entertained by it and you will have alot of fun!Good Luck and God bless!
Get rats, get a same sex pair (rats are better in pairs) Rats are smart, friendly animals who can learn their names and come when called and they can learn tricks and can be litter trained. Females are more active than males but tend to get tumors males are like lap pets when they get older. If you decide on rats make sure the cage is powder coated and not an aquarium ( ammonia build up too quickly) use aspen bedding, pine and cedar are no nos a good site to visit is there you will find many knowledgeable rat people with pictures, advice and they are very friendly. I own two boys right now Coal ( a black berkshire) and Chimo (a pick eyed white) they are like little dogs, Coal loves to lick me. As for gerbils, they are nesting animals who need to burrow so unless you are able to supply that... plus I hear they can be quite noisy. Whatever you choose, good luck with your pets.
I have never had any of them but i really think that they are both good pets! I would not be able to choose between them so i would go to the petstore and see if you can hold them see how they are around you and which one you like most! I hope this helps!
get a rat they don't smell and they are very clean u can teach them anything!! i tough mine how to play hide-seek really i promise!!gerbils suck really bad dwarf hamsters are hiper really fast and can fit through uhhh lets see ANYTHING but rats are sooooooooooooo docile! trust me
love becky!!

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