Friday, July 31, 2009

UUggh. Another gerbil problem.....?

OK well today 3 things have happend in the past 3 hours. I won't go threw them, cause there is another thing. I have 2 female gerbils and the Superpet Crittertrail 3. There is a top nook that they sleep in and it sound like its vibrating or shaking. Almost as if my gerbil or both are thumping their hind legs but when i go over to see what they doing they stop or nothing is happening. Whats up???
Not sure, but they COULD be "bruxing"...i think that's how it's spelled. Rats do it, so I'm figuring any little animal with really big teeth does it. The way it works is: They grind they're little teeth together really fast. I think it has something to do with them being really happy or rat used to do it all the time when I'd pet his little head...
thumping means danger., or is a warning. i advise you to get another cage, and separate the two,( have the cages next too each other though, girbles are social) and see if the thumping continues. if not, its somthing else. it could be that somthing in the cage( like the shavings) are iritating the girble's skin.
you may want to check and make sure that gerbils like to cohabitate with each other..
and are you SURE they are both females? cuz they could be mating...
Did you look at the cage?
Is it put together correctly?
Is there something rubbing on it?
Sometimes they can be defective from the store.
Is the cage resting on or near something thats vibrating?
Identify the problem and solve it. Could be you need wax to fill a gap or something.
Don't seperate them. Gerbils are social and do better with roommates.
You should use a 10-15 gallon aquarium for your gerbils. They are good and you can fill it up with lots of carefresh for them to dig through.
About your gerbils, I have no idea, but I think they are ok.

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