Thursday, July 30, 2009

URGENT ! Virabting guinea pig !!!!!?

when my baby guinea pig sits on my knee (is a little timid and only had her for 2 wk) her body vibrates, she doestn't seem too scared or nervous. what is happening ? is this normal ?
She is afraid...put her in the cage and walk away slowly. Yes it is normal. She is simply shaking. If she does not have an igloo or something to hide under please get her something
maybe she's cold??
yes, she's excited.
this is totally normal
although it is possible for her to be frightened, most guinea pigs naturally vibrate a little. I have had them all my life and u just gotta get used tto it
and good luck!
well, i've had baby hamsters (close enough - they are very similar) that were two weeks old and they can vibrate. they are still very young and they need to feel secure. wrap them up in a soft, small blanket or small towel. they like warmth and comfort. just make sure you give them a lot of attention and be with them.
This is a guinea pigs way of telling you that she doesn't feel to good being on your knee. Next time she does this, put her on the ground and wait until she comes to you to pick her up! I hope that this solves your question!
yes, she might be cold, and im serios wen i say this but she might be practicing
but take her to the vet just incase
Awesome website!! Just click on the little pics of the piggies and you can find the sound you are looking for. Most people said "she may be cold". Most likely, this is not the case. She is most likely scared or excited. When they are happy, they will vibrate, make a chuttering sound, and popcorn (pop up into the air and wiggle). It's the cutest thing! Good luck!!
I think she is fine she most likely doesn't feel comfortable try to put her on a piece of furniture or the floor before you pick her up!
she could be happy...maybe.
yes its normal dont wry. and no she is not cold. if she was cold then she wud b violently shaking which feels different than vibrating. i have 2 guinea pigs and when u r holding them they tend 2 vibrate. this simply means that they are contented or happy. they also hum and vibrate when they are stating that they r in charge. i no it sounds silly but they r slightly territorial. guinea pigs r natural born cuddlers and love 2 b held and petted. heres a article thatll xplain guinea pig sounds. its all true i checked. just scroll down and read the behavior article. hope this cleared things up 4 u!!!
Sometimes when they are happy, they purr. Sometimes it's really quite too so you wont hear it, but you can definetly feel it!
Guinea pigs are afraid of heights so she might be scared. when mine is scared it does the same and it also clicks its teeth
does she make a noise while she does it? this is just talking mine do it all the time
my guinea pig dose dat when hes happy and comfortble. I read about it. That means ur piggy likes u

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