Friday, July 31, 2009

Very small cute thing. like a mouse what do you think it was?

Hey it sounds like a stupid question but watever. Today i was in the pet shop buying some hay and i noticed in this clear box where the hamsters where - there was this very small mouse/ hamster creature. It was absolutley adorable and i was relly curious on what it was but i had no time to ask. It was brown with black eyes and was about 1 inch in length i think...any idea on what it was? thanks!
The pet was probably a dwarf hamster! I have two female dwarf hamsters! They are cute, aren't they? If you have any questions about these little guys, you can email me at: Is this what the animal that you saw looked like:
If so, then, yes, he is a dwarf hamster! Thanks, and good luck,
~ Future Vet
guinea pig

those are all the pet shop rodents i could think of.
all of these creatures can be any color.
you will need to go back, or look at pictures of gerbils and guinea pigs (i'm sure you know what mice, hamsters, and rats look like) on google if you don't know what they look like.
Good luck.
Couldve been a baby hamster, or even a baby mouse.
Maybe it was a gerbil. They look sorta like a mouse, with the long tail, but they're brown. Hamsters have only a hint of a tail.
Did it have a long nose? If so, maybe a shrew.
Funny spiky hard-looking fur? Maybe a hedgehog.
Whatever it was, it was probably too small and fragile to make a very good pet.
maybe a dwarf hamster? they're really small, cute, and kinda look like a mouse.
If it was in the same box with the hamsters then it had to be a hamster. They always put the same pets on the same boxes. Otherwise like someone suggested you could go to like Google images and search rodents and look for one that resembles what you saw.
The stupid question is the only one not asked. Good luck.
it could have been a spiny mouse. they are very cute and becoming increasinly popular.
here is some photos.
it sounds to me that this is exactaly what you are thinking of.
small hamster/mouse

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