Friday, July 31, 2009


my rabbit is usually hyper nd active but today i went 2 his hutch nd he was just sat there. hes 3. is he ok? wot shud i do?
How often does he get a check up at the vet's??
If he acts lethargic (not moving, etc) you should make a vet appointment At Once.
It could just be that hes tired or he just woke up just wait a couple days and feed him lots of hay and good food. and he will be just as active
is it hot out he might be hot. bring him to a cool area and give him lots of water. i would also make an appointment with the vet because rabbits are prone to heart attacks.
first of all is you rabbit fixed because rabbits live longer if the are fixed!
If it is fixed then it is fine but if its not idk.
It could also be because it is so hot out side you should bring it inside so it does not have a heat stroke!!!!!
he is ok! if this is the only time hes like that hes fine... if he is like that 2morrow call ur vet and ask what could be rong with him. if the vet says u need to bring him in, bring him in! hes prolly just tired.......he may be 2 hot: 2 keep him cool freeze a 2 liter coke bottle of water and put it i his hutch, put a few ice cube in his water bottle. when u go 2 visit him, bring a cool wash cloth and make 1 stroke over his entire body and no more. he will be fine but CALL UR VET and ask !!

Good luck!
Is your rabbit outside? Because he might be hot, small animals like rabbits can easily over heat and suffer from heat strokes if it gets too hot for them. If you have to keep your rabbit outside, make sure you keep his hutch in the shade, also make sure to replace his water with cold fresh water a few times a day. Another good thing you could do is wet down bricks with cold water and sit them in his hutch that way he has something cool to lay against. You can do the same with a frozen bottle of water, but if you use a frozen water bottle make sure that you wrap it up in something like a towel so that it's not freezing cold for him to lay against.
If you can however bring your rabbit into the house that would be best until the weather cools down some.
If he doesn't seem to get better and it's not the heat then he could be sick and should be taken to a vet ASAP. Small animals like that tend to hide that they are sick until they get to the point it's very serious. So if he's acting like something more might be wrong other than just being hot then get him to a vet, don't wait.
If the bunny is hot, place a bottle of frozen water in it's cage, he will lay up against it. Also remember rabbits are most active at dusk and dawn.
English, next time? Not everyone can understand chatspeak. Maybe he was in a trance? A trance is when the animal jsut kind of zones out for a few minutes, and it's quite common. Check on him in a few more minutes. C=
It is possible that your rabbit might be in a state of depression. Rabbits are very active animals and need constant attention. Have you tried to play with him? Give him a treat and see if he will eat it. He might just be moody today! My rabbit goes through these fits where she can't get comfortable. She would flop all over her cage (2 story rabbit condo) and look at me with such despair. It used to scare me, but now I know that she is just being dramatic for the attention. It is hard to pinpoint an exact cause without knowing your rabbits living situation, if it has been neutered, food, etc. If he is still acting strange by tomorrow, I would suggest taking him to a vet that specializes in small exotic animals. Email me if you have any more questions.
my rabbit is the same way with being hyper. One day not to long ago, he was just worn out and won't even jump around. He just sat there. But the next day, he was back to his normal self. I think it is just a period of time that he is just "pooped". I thik he will come out of his state of mind, hopefully soon. Best wishes, and there is really nothing I can think of that you can do. Just make sure he ain't overheated and gets food and water and is comfertable.
If you love your rabbit and will be devastated if it dies, you should call your vet right now. If your vet sees after hours, do it. If not, find a local 24 hour vet that sees rabbits (this is important, you need a rabbit vet, this sounds like it might be a gut problem).
Rabbits die quickly. By the time you see symptoms, you need to act quickly, they are already not doing well. This is because they are prey animals unlike dogs and cats and so they try to hide illness.
Call the vet now. Even if it's expensive, if the rabbit dies, you'll think you would have paid 3 times that to have him back. The amount of time you have once you see symptoms is significantly shorter than if it was a dog, act now.
You should call the vet and ask someone there. a couple of times i called the vet and the nurse there gave me some great advice. it is worth a try!

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