Monday, May 24, 2010

What can hamsters eat?

I just got a 6 week old hamster yesterday. I think she is a cream Syrian. She is a yellowish,whitish,creamish,tan... color. What can I feed her? Please give a well thought out list of what hamsters can and can't eat. Oh, and I know that they can eat hamster mix from a pet shop. May the best answerer win! Help!!!!!!!!!!...
Excuse me while I direct you to some Experts. There is Much more to the Hamster than just Food. PLEASE, do Them the Favor of Spending a Lot of Time Reading. They will Love you For it!
hamster food, you can get from almost any pet store, apple,lettece, DONT feed carrot, it goives them diarha
other hamsters
Hamsters can eat carrotts, grapes, apples and pineapples, sunflower seeds, corn, and whatever you find in most hamster food.
But, out of those, I recommend that you give your hamster carrotts and corn and probably some lima beans... (all uncooked, of course)
HAMSTER FOOD! they like veggies and bread too. dnt frgt water.
You may feed them lettuce and i think thats about it!
i have had two dwarf hamsters and they loved baby carrots, or cut up carrots, grapes, not celery though because its too stringy. I also got them treats from the pet store, they loved this thing called yogurt drops itsfor small animals like hamsters. Just make sure that whatever food you give him (besides mix from the store) take it out the next day, it has to be fresh! and just becareful though in leaving things near their cage because they will eat about anything...i lost my tumble weed because he chewed a hole through a plastic bag i left too close to his cage. very sad. Hope this helps!
hamster mix is fine, but she will need some fresh food as well. lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, apple, grapes etc. but no cabbage. a little bit of cake or biscuit once in a while does no harm and give her a mineral stone as well, to ensure that she is getting everything she needs.
I recommend that yoghurt drops are a very rare treat. Hamsters also like the occasional bit of milk, but again only in small amounts as it contains fat. I like to give my hamsters a little bit of milk on my spoon which they can lick off.
Hamsters like to eat an occasional bit of protein. They love small amounts of plain meat such as chicken, eggs are also a favourite. Some protein about once a week seems to go down very well.
A hamster can eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruit (avoid potato roots as these are suppose to be poisonous). Feed the vegetables or fruit in small amounts to begin with and do not give them much lettuce as this can make them ill with diarrhoea. Favourite types of vegetables are carrot, courgette, peas, cress and cucumber. Cucumber is particularly good as it is a source of water. Pups can nibble it before they can reach the water bottle or an old or ill hamster can eat it instead of going out to the water bottle. Hamsters also love dandilion leaves, give a dandilion leaf to a hamster and it is likely to be gone within seconds, just make sure that no one has treated to plant with weed-killer and wash the leaf.
Hamsters eat cooked rice and pasta, and uncooked pasta but they seem to prefer it cooked. They like to eat pastry, cooked and uncooked. Cheese is popular in small amounts. Breakfast cereals are nearly always very popular, just be careful in case the hamster decides to climb into the bowl of rice crispies.
You can give them a variety of nuts, such as walnuts, brazils, almonds and hazelnuts at Christmas. When they are in the shells the hamster can chew at them to wear down his teeth, but you will normally need to crack them so that the hamster can eat the nut. My dwarf hamster loved walnuts in particular.
they can eat sugar free cereal, oats, carrots, dried fruit, yogurt drops, timothy hay, sunflower seeds, crackers, nuts, carrots, lettuce, fresh broccoli, banana and unseasoned crotuons. my hamster loves treats! good luck!
Well I had hamsters at one point in time, and I use to feed them lettuce, carrotts and radishes.. which they preferred over the hamster food bought at the pet store. Believe it or not there are also treats for hamsters that give them vitamins and good teeth, remember to put something in the cage for your hammy to chew on or his teeth can grow so long that they can cause death to your hammy. Also I believe there is a powder you can mix with the water for vitamins and minerals for your hammy. I have also snuck cheese to my hammies in the past, and being of the rodent family, they gobbled it up. I tried peanutbutter once, but it's too messy. Veggies are good for them as well as vitamins to keep them healthy, and remember to exercise your hammy with a wheel, or a hamster ball at least every other day so you do not get a lazy hamster. Also, they are nocturnal (night time animals) so they will probably do most of their eating at night.
My son has hamsters, so cute they are. We give them lettuce, or cabbage , they like both. carrots, turnip or swede and we give small pieces of apple , but only occasionally, Nice fresh water every day. We also make sure they have a small piece of sweet wood for their teeth as they like to gnaw. little branches of either willow , apple or hazel . Makes a big difference at night, stop麓s them gnawing at the wires on their cages. Hope you enjoy your hamster , they are very nice pet麓s to have . I love to watch them at night.
dont really feed it our food.
they could eat:
vegetables, fruits, breads, nothing with seasons or extra flavors, and there food, not to much though they will get used to it and not eat their real food.
they shouldnt eat:
meats, any kind of drinks other than water, plants, meats, candy, and anything else i didnt mention.
you can find treats like these growing plants for them but if you do get them dont feed them the roots, the dirt or any dead parts.
oh they can have dog biscuts for their teeth.

hope the hamster is fun!
Check out this site!
I find it very helpful!!
If this doesn't help go to try to find you're answer
Everything everyone has mentioned, plus, people don't usually know that you can feed them ground beef. They love it, but you should only give it to them about once a week, tops.
Hamsters are omnivorous, which means they eat both vegetables and meat. Their natural foods include grains, seeds, vegetables, and insects, and they will like corn, oats, or wheat mixed with dry dog food. Premixed hamster food from a pet store has complete nutrition, but some hamsters won't eat it.
Their favourite foods are foods native to their dry habitat, like seeds. For protein and variety, they will eat some small insects.
They like vegetables, but be moderate in how much you feed them. The key word for the hamster diet is *variety*. It keeps them healthy.
But don't feed your hamster chocolates and other sweet things.
Either feed the hamster at the same time each day or leave a constant food supply. Hamsters will not overeat but will often store food in their cheek pouches and put it in a hiding place to eat later. Remove food that is no longer fresh each day, and clean out the "hidden" food once a week. Put food in heavy ceramic or plastic food dishes (so they won't tip over) and clean them weekly.
Hamsters need to have fresh water constantly available. The best sort of container is a drip bottle, which can be attached to the side of the cage. A bottle with a wide neck and metal top will be easy to clean every other day. The hamster will quickly learn how to sip from it.
Good luck with your little cutie!
go on ,it will give tell u foods that hamsters can and can't eat. if u need any more help,e-mail me at
fresh fruits and veggies, no onion, no salty stuff, no green leafy veggies. Mine luv carrots, the baby ones, strawberries, apples, cheerios, yogurt drops, hard boiled egg slices, dog biscuit pieces, dry pasta,celery, bread soaked in milk, remove when they are done eating it.

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