Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some fun things i can do with my new guinea pig during exercise time??

You can play with him and buy him some toys. But beware, DO NOT get any Hamster Like balls that they make for guinea pigs. Also, avoid leashes and harnesses. A Guinea Pig's spine isn't as flexable as a hamsters is. Some fun things that you can do with your guinea pig, is to get a box and cut some holes out of the box so that your guinea pig can breath. You can do the same to a paper bag. Just remember to cut holes out so that your guinea pig can breath! Also, letting your guinea pig have the run of a room (make sure that NO dangerous things, such as: plastic, plants, cords, rubber and anything like that, are in the way!), will give your guinea pig exercise, too! Thanks, and good luck,
~ Future Vet
You can get a playpen at the pet store and take him to the park and let him run around in the playpen without worrying about him running off. Find a little carrier to put him in and take him shopping with you! You could even buy him treats to snack on while you get a soda. Remember not to get those little run-about exercise balls for him, because guinea pig's spines don't bend backwards, and you could really hurt him by having him run around in one.
some fun things you can do with your new guinea pig is make a little obstecle course for it and it will be fun.
yes! there are many thins you can do! you can make up your own games, but here's one that's pretty fun: you will need three bowls, yellow, blue and red. but some treats or food in the red bowl, and put the red bowl in the middle in the yellow and blue. then put guinea pig in front of all three of them. let her explore and when she finds the treats or food, let her have some and put her in front of the bowls again. but don't move the order of the bowls. so, after you have done this a few times and your guinea pig runs to the red bowl, it is time to mix and match. put the red bowl somewhere else, and see if you guinea pig still remembers the red bowl. another thing you can do is turn the bowl facing down and the food underneath it. have fun!
you can try to train it to come to you in extchange for a snack(?) i just have to say that i love it that you exercise your guinea pig because i know alot of people with guinea pigs and they're all alone in their cages all day, and outside of their cage time is IMPORTANT :)
Make it follow u. Run somewhere and it will run with you.
Tunnels from boxes, paper bags, hide veggies around the room, wadded up newspapers
Usually 4 inch diameter PVC pipes are a hit, so are plain cardboard boxes and paper bags, I hide treats (usually parsley) in toilet rolls and at the back of cardboard boxes. I had them outside for floor time once, that is always a hit as we have lot's of grass. I got some cardboard boxes and made them into an open tunnel, I then got a spare roof tile and leant it against some bricks so that it was an effective tunnel in the shape of an L. I lined the insides with a towel and sprinkled a few sprigs throughout the whole contraption, they liked that too, as the pop corned up one side and down the other!! Just be careful if you make something like that that it isn't going to hurt your guinea pig in any way.
My pig's favorite veggie was carrots, so on my bed I'd rearrange my stuffed animals and little pillows all over the place, and put her up on the bed. Show her the prize and the 'wheeeeet'ing would start. Then I'd hide the carrot and after catching on and playing this game a couple times-it's HILARIOUS watching and listening to your pig going oi oi oi oi while she's investigating everything and shoving stuffed animals aside to find her prize!

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