Monday, May 24, 2010

What breed of rat to buy?

I have no experience with rats. What is the best breed and why. Please list your source. Also leave your email if you have rats or are a rat lover! Thanks! = my email
There is no such thing as breeds of rats; a rat, is a rat, is a rat.
Since you are a first-time ratty owner I would suggest that you pick your rats by health, friendliness, and good temperament, instead of by type, color, or markings. Unlike the various breeds of dogs, type, color, and markings have nothing to do with the tameability, trainability, or the personality of the rat. All rats are pretty much the same.
Picking for health, and good temperament will give you a good first impression for rats as pets.
Don't get hairless or tail-less rats as your first rats because they require some special care. Get a Standard rat, either top-eared or Dumbo.
"my life has gone to the rats"
I owned a hooded rat for 3 years until she got cancer in her leg. She was a great rat. I was able to let her run around in my room and she would love to give kisses and ride around on my shoulder. This is the only rat I have owned but she was great.
Please adopt, rather then buy. I love all types of rats, but they are all prone to upper respiratory infections, so you have to keep an eye on that. They are so much fun though. Good luck. You can e-mail me if you have anyother questions.
I breed mink and husky rex's. Rex rats have gorgeous curly fur and whiskers. I am also known to love hairless rats.
Personality wise, colour or type dont make a difference. Mostly its just what you prefer.
albino rats have the best temperament. my rat would go everywhere with me, chillin on my shoulder. they also love to swim in the tub. great pets.
Dapper rat, just because it is the most common pet rat. And the best, and sweetes. And cutest!
One that lives a long time--too traumatic when they die. If you can find out what rats live longer let me know as I have been researching this and have found no good answers. We had a hooded "feeder" rat and she lived about 2 years. She was the best pet.

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