Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some ways that I can bond with my guinea pigs better?

I've had my guinea pigs for about a year and a half now. And all this time I feel that I haven't held/spent time with them socially as much as I could. They're absolutely terrified of people (especially me) and it's gotten to the point where I don't know what to do about it. I really do want to help them and make up for all of those years that I neglected them. I don't know why it took me so long to start realizing I didn't want skitsafrenic guinea pigs that flinched at every move I made. I'm trying to hold them everyday now to get them more used to me and people in general, but now they're even more scared of me and I'm afraid that due to all of the time I haven't spent with them, they'll never be used to me. Please, if anyone can give me suggestions to account for my mistakes as a pet owner then I would be SO greatful. Thank you all so much.
You're on the right track. The same thing happened to me a few months ago, and it really hit hard. I would suggest to keep on doing what your doing, and make sure that they get plenty of run around and lap time. What kind of an enclosure do you have? Because I know that I have really bonded with my girls because I built them an easy and affordable C%26C cage. It's made out of storage cubes from target and a material from local sign shops. Atleast you're knowledgeable enough to keep your cavies with other cavies. Great job.
The only thing you can do is try to hold them more, like you are already doing. Unfortunately, they learn all their social skills when they are young, and if they weren't snuggled very often this may seem like a new scary thing to them.
well they like treats like lettuce and carrots but not too much because it will give them the runs. I used to have a guinea pig in my class at school and she squealed everytime she seen me because i brought her lettuce alot.try that like pick it up and give em lettuce.gotta be patient and keep on doing the same thing every day
Hold them and try to play with them more. Hand feed them treats like carrots, apple and oranges, to give them more trust in you. Give them toys and things to play in, and pat them, while keeping them on your lap so that they are used to you being around and feel safe and comfortable with you. Good Luck!

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