Monday, May 24, 2010

What can be done to make a hamster stop chewing on the cage bars?

Driving me bonkers!
I won't lie to you--I had this same problem with my first hamster (little brat kept my roommate and I up all night with it, it was awful!), and I wound up getting a tank for her, and made her second cage.
Another option is making a bin-style cage, since you mentioned that the tank wasn't ventilated well. Bin cages are fun because they're bigger, hamster can't bite the sides, and there's more room to keep things in there to keep it distracted!
Another option that I've heard of is spraying this stuff called 'Bitter Apple.' I've heard of desperate hammy owners spraying this (in moderation!) on the bars, and the taste can deter the hamster from chewing. I've seen it for sale in pet stores, but haven't tried it myself.
Some hamsters are just completely stubborn and will ignore their chew toys and try their damndest to get out of their cage.
As far as bin cages go, give it a thought. They can be a little tricky to make (maybe you have a friend or family member that's good with handiwork? I had my boyfriend's dad help me with mine), but they are worth it, and look pretty too. :) Good luck!
Pretty much nothing, other than buy him some chew treats the keep him busy.
Let him outta the cage.
hamsters like to chew, it feels good on their teeth which are open-rooted and grow through their whole lives, so chewing on things keeps them filed down.
-- get your hamster something else to chew on, like a treat stick or just a plain little piece of wood (i've seen them in pet stores flavored or shaped like carrots).
if that doesn't work and your hamster still chews on the bars (when i worked at a pet store, there was one dwarf hamster who i think just liked the sound it make when she chewed on them), you can put a little bit of lemon juice or something bad tasting like that on the bars. if you don't have any lemon juice or that doesn't work, i know they sell things to put on the bars that work about the same way.
give it something, like a peice of wood, to chew on. natrualy, the chew on hard stuff to keep there teeth from over growing, and cousing infections. you can also give it a salt weel,because it tast good to them.
if not, it will probly keep chewing on the cage.
soak the cage in bitter tasting goo...
it should keep him away from it
sounds a little mean, but Tabasco sauce or something that's safe but tastes yuck for them wiped on the bars, make sure you do have plenty of treats and chew toys for your pet
A simple way to fix this is to get a glass cage. A 10 gallon tank with a screen lid works great for hamsters. No more bars.
Make sure he has an exersise wheel to run it.
Another solution is to give your hamster other things to chew on. You can try whole walnuts in the shell, dried corn, no sugar added dried fruit, dog biscuits, compressed hay, and a whole bunch of other things your pet store sells for hamsters.
It's very common for hamsters to chew on the bars. It may be one of those things you just have to live with.
GOOD LUCK. ours did the exact same thing... they are nocturnal. Which means they are more active at nite. Plus make sure he is fed daily. But he is just wanting out to roam around. But that wouldnt be a good idea... at least i dont think so..
Nothing.Hes gonna do that.Move him to another place where you cant hear him like down the basement or somewear.No wear cruel though.
since you have introduced chew toys, i will not mention it anymore then :).
sometimes, hamsters chew on the cage bar to catch your attention. Sometimes they need your attention, so try and see what it wants. :)
Good Luck :)
My hamster stopped chewing bars when I give him a running wheel. Though his cage is big, he was bored without wheel. So if you hamster hasn't a wheel, you can try to give him it - the wheel should have at least 8 inches in diameter for Syrian hamster and 6 inches for any dwarf hamster.
Or you can move him into a (at least!) 20 gallon long tank/bin with a wire mesh lid - then wouldn't be hot in there.
Give him something else to chew on, a rock, a piece of dry wood. improvise.
hamsters have a natural desire to chew and this is because their teeth never stop growing-kind of like fingernails. it is not hurting them to chew on the bars of the cage , however it probably means that they are not being given enough things to chew on. try giving them different types of wood blocks made for small animals such as niblet munchies and bunny bites. this is flavored wood and most hamsters love it. you can also give them empty toilet paper rolls to keep them busy. to discourage them from chewing on the cage, you could try using some bitter apple funiture cream on the bars. good luck:)
Hamsters tend to bite on the cage bars, because:
-they want to get out
-they want attention
-they just like biting on the cage bars
It's nothing bad, normal, my hamster does it too.
Maybe garlic will help. Get the spread type and swipe some on bars

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