Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some good ideas to entertain my guinea pig?

She doesn't have a buddy, and i can't get her one. She has a hut, food bowl, and water bottle in her cage.( her cage is pretty big). She gets bored sometimes i think.
Try providing more of an enriching enviorment for your guinea pig. In other words, Don't just set a carrot in the center of the cage. Break the carrot up and hide it in various locations in the cage. Make her work for her food. It keeps her busy while getting exercise.
Another thing is to let her hide in more places. Guinea pigs like variety so put a variaty of shelters in places in the cage. (You said the cage was big, so don't offer one shelter, offer 2,3,4 however many you want!)
Another thing that is important for keeping a gp (I am too lazy to type guinea pig so much) busy is giving lots of things for her to chew. Give chew sticks or blocks every day for the gp to play with as well as grind down her teeth.
Another idea is to have a daily (Or weekly) "Floor time" This is when your gp can me supervised while being able to explore further around the house. Lay out food like carrots or celery to keep the gp out of trouble.
And yet another, Give your gp attention. As much as possible, HAND FEED fresh food instead of tossing it in the cage. This keeps your gp happy (Not to mention nice to you)
Well, I said alot today, hope I helped!
u can play with her! here some good ideas: 1) put on a baggy shirt and let ur guinea pig climb inside. it tickles! 2) take a play pen and let her run around. 3) take a play pen and chop up carrots and put the carrot bits all over the play pen and the guinea can run around eating the carrots. 4) any friends that have guinea pigs? set up a playdate! 5) teach ur guinea pig how 2 jump up the stairs. 6) do the guinea races! take another guinea and seperate the play pen in half and put down the guineas at the same time on diffrnt sides. whoever touches the end of the pen 1st wins! (hope i helped! cy!)
talk to her everytime you see her. Teach her a trick...
1. First teach your guinea pig to follow a treat in your hand (not in a circle, but in any direction). You may first need to teach it to eat out of your hand and to trust your hand. This can be frustrating at times - it took me forever just to get the guinea pig to follow my hand. It helps to have a good treat - like carrots and lettuce. Don't give your guinea pig too much of the treat or it will get full. When the guinea pig can follow your hand to great lengths, you are ready for step 2.
2. Start doing circular patterns with the treat. Make sure you pick one direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) and stick with it. After a while the guinea pig will expect a circle and will begin doing them more efficiently. As soon as this happens move on to step 3.
3. Assign a key word of phrase to the trick. Now, every time you want the guinea pig to do a circle, say the exact same word of phrase. I always say "do a circle", which the guinea pig interprets as a single word - "dooasercal" and will not understand if I rephrase that in any other way. Saying "please! - I'll give you a juicy carrot" will not help; remember guinea pigs don't speak English! Also, if you pick a key phrase that is too long or confusing, or if you say too much other stuff, your guinea pig might get confused and do circles for everything even when you don't want it to. It helps if every now and then you give your guinea pig a treat without making it do a circle. A good time to do this is when it is in its cage - not in the middle of a lesson.
4. This is the hardest part. It will probably take over 100 level 3 circles to get here. Eventually the guinea pig will really expect a circle and have the ability to do them very efficiently. When this happens you don't need to make the guinea pig follow your hand for a full circle, just put the treat either to the right or the left of its face (depending on the direction of the circle), and say the magic words and the guinea pig will begin to learn how to do circles without following the treat. Make sure to always reward it for every circle.
Note that it is important that you never change the direction of the circle. When teaching your guinea pig to do a circle do not award a treat for a circle in the opposite direction you taught it (even though it is tempting at times) because this is an indication that it is just doing random stuff.
Or if you like make a video with your guinea pig.
Here is a cute one.
Other than that... Pick her up all the time, love her, play with her.
Watch the guinea pig climb up the stairs make sure she doesn't fall. Never bring her outside.. thats how my sister killed hers but mine is still alive and happy. Get her more toys like a ball to roll around in.
Try this website (listed below) for many different creative toys and such for your guinea pig. There are many different ways to make things for her easily.
But one thing: DO NOT give your guinea pig an exercise wheel! They will hurt the piggie's back and maybe cripple them for life.
Your piggy's cage sounds just fine. Sometimes they like to have a tube of some kind to walk through or just chew on. Having a big cage is great for guinea pigs! If you want, you can also move her hut, food dish, and water bottle around. It makes life interesting for them. You can also put her outside. We put ours out almost every day. They like to explore and eat grass. Also, we teach ours to climb the stairs. We taught one to climb the stairs and walk along the wall into one of our rooms.
By her fun toys play with her often. Make a maze out of something and put food in the maze and her favorite food ant the end of the maze. Make sure there are different turns and choices she can make to get to the end. You can go to Petco or Petsmart or you can go to the pet store you got her at and ask about it.
Take her out and play with her a lot to keep her from getting bred and take out old toys and give her a couple at a time. and change it every week or so!!!
Have fun!!!1

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