Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are the characteristics of a healthy hamster?

1. A healthy hamster is active inquisitive, energetic and has an alert disposition.
2. A healthy hamster has bright and clear eyes.
3. The nose of a healthy hamster should be clean without any discharge.
4. The coat of a healthy hamster is well groomed and full.

5. There are no lumps and bumps on the body.

6. A healthy hamster has a round and broad body.
haha i forgot to feed my hampster for a week once and it just crawled into the corner and died...but the other one is till alive... It shouldn't be asleep all the time or barely be able to move...that's what ive learned oops
The characteristics of a healthy hamster are if their eyes are always wide open and bright.There shouldn't be any tears in their eyes.Also a healthy hamster shouldn't have a wet tail.Their fur should be soft.Their breathing should be clear.They should be playful,energetic,active,and alert.The area around their nostrils should be dry and not have a crusty look.
Bright shining eyes, a shiny clean coat, no dirty bottom, no injuries, no lumps on or under the skin, dry clean nose free of any discharge. Active, but some of ours are inactive compared to others, but are very healthy. They don't scream or shy away from you unless you just got it and even them it should be curious of you. We had one that screamed horribly, but she was dropped (more like thrown) by a unwatched child in a pet store and suffered a head injury that is still apparent 8 months later. She has no trust of any human and shakes if held. We still hold her to try and help her get over her fear, but I think it's part of her injury also.
If you get a hamster and you think it's sick, take it to the vet for a check up to make sure, but call first to make sure they take hamsters, some don't.
I hope if you have a hamster it's alright.
Biggest sign of a SICK hamster is diarrhea. When the butt looks runny - pretty much be prepared for death if you don't medicate it right away because diahhrea is deadly to hamsters. You want one that's active, clear eyes, clean butt, non-agressive, etc.
A healthy hamster will have glossy silky fur, bright, clear, sparkly eyes, and bundles of energy when not sleeping. Always check a hamsters bottom ( i know it sounds a strange thing to do) alot of hamsters have very very delicate bellys, and contract a disease called wet tail that gives them runny poops and a sore bum. This kills them, and can be brought on by stress.
A healthy hamster is alert to all the noises and movements around it, and is happy to be handled.

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