Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some fun things to do with guinea pigs?

My guineas are very boring and they only sit still. what are some fun things to do with them. I bought them a ball and they dont like it. and when i let them out for exersize they like dont even move.
You used a plural so I am assuming that you have at least 2 guinea pigs. That is a good start. Guinea pigs are herd animals by nature thus why the do better in pairs, they are very social animals and therefore the companionship of another friend almost always makes them more interactive.
Floor time is also a good start. The reason that they are not moving is because they are scared, most guinea pigs are like this in the begginning, try including towels or things for them to hide in. You should be doing this every day for at least 1 hour, the more you do it the more confident they become. Handling your guinea pigs each day is also important, they will learn to trust you eventually.
You can make toys from home using things like paper bags, 4 inch diameter PVC pipes, plain cardboard boxes etc. Wooden chewing blocks should be available to file their teeth down. Do not buy a wheel, these are extremely dangerous for your piggys spine. Small cat balls and bird toys are also a big hit in my household. Have a browse through the following site:
Good Luck!!
put them on a leash and walk them around...
or go 2 a park...
i find it very amusing!
i always used to make little obstical courses with mine lol. she had a ball and rolled it around with her nose. but wouldnt go inside it. or its fun to make then stand up for a carrot.
If they enjoy food, you can actually train them to sit upright by holding a piece of lettuce or whatever their favorite treat is above their nose/head until they lift theirselves up. You can also take it to a guinea pig show (yes, they have them). Look online for one near you, yours could win something. You can think about breeding your guinea pig, but consult a vet before-hand. You can volunteer someewhere like at a school to bring your guineas in to cheer up students or people in the hospital. I'll give you more ideas when i think of them
Put them in the microwave and see how long they take to "POP"
Gut em , put them on a stick and have a BBQ, or see how long it takes for them to blow up in the microwave.
not that many things..I usually just give mine a bath and blow dried it..entertained me cause it was funny but I dont think it was fun for him
Never get a excersise ball or wheel for guinea pigs, it's just a hugeeeeee NO-NO. Take them out more and hold them, get a play pen for them. They have some intresting stuff on there, there is nothing more fun for me atleast then to hold my pigs in my arms and chillax with them ^_^, they love to cuddle.
Mine like chewing a lot. My husband took a little book and hung if front a string in their cage. They play with that often, but they like tearing the paper and playing with that.

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