Monday, May 24, 2010

What are the symptoms of mites, ringworm, or parasites for a guinea pig?( i need some good answers)?

my guinea pig has one of these and he has a small (smaller than half of a penny- literally) bloody looking, bald patch on his back and i'm not sure of what he has. hes had it for about two and a half weeks and we're taking him to the vet today. his behavior is the same though so i dont know what to do but i know to take him to the vet.HELP!
Have you looked on Guinea Lynx? They have the BEST information around for guinea pig health. ( ). I'm so glad you decided to take him to the vet. I would definently print out a page from the site that has harmful medicine ( ) just incase you need to correct the veternarian. Sounds like he has some kind of skin irritation. Give these sites a look. I hope he feels better!
That sounds like mites. I work at a pet store and we recently had a customer bring back a guinea pig b/c they insisted their other guinea pigs at home were fighting with her. This was not the case. The little bare, bloody patch near her ear that the owners mistook for a fight wound was really mites. We immediately took her to the vet and got her treated. She got well and one of the other clerks volunteered to keep her (we are a very well-run store and would NEVER re-sell an animal in this situation). The important thing is that you're taking her to the vet. Your vet will give you a definite diagnosis and then show you how to administer medicine at home. Be sure to follow through with the treatment b/c mites left untreated will kill your poor little guy!
sounds like mite! take him to the vet immdeiatly (they can die from this let alone the horrible pain your lttle one must be going through... good thing hes going to the vet!!
It does sound like mites. Ringworm (which my pig had when I got him) looks like white scaly patches, usually starting on the face. Mites are common. They can lay dormant for long periods of time and pop up at any time. Be Glad though! Mites are easily treatable. Please don't let your vet do skin scrapings though. They will not see anything and it is painful for the pig. Ivermectin is what to use for the mites. Your vet can treat your pig OR you can learn to do it at home. (which will save you money b/c 3 treatments are needed to get rid of the mites)
Read everything on GUINEALYNX.INFO !
It's the best medical website with an awesome forum if you have questions! I agree to print off the dangerous medications list. Some vets are not cavy savvy and don't know what is best to treat piggies. IT sounds like he may need some pain medication if he has wounds. Ask about Metacam, it has good results in guinea pigs.

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