Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are the best foods a hampster.?

please give list
There are two major types of hamster food: mash and pellet. Mash diets are easily found in stores, and contain numerous seeds, like sunflower seeds, as well as some pellets and crunchy bits. Pellet diets are only pellets. Mash diets offer nice variety, but the hamsters will pick and choose what they want to eat, and therefore will NOT get a balanced diet. Pellet diets ensure that the hamster will get a nutritionally balanced diet.
You can supplement the diet with hamster snacks purchased at pet stores like yogurt drops. You can also give them LIMITED amounts of fresh fruits and veg. You should not feed anything with a high water content (lettuce, watermelon), with seeds in it (cucumber, strawberries), or with skin (apples). Skin any fruit and offer it in small bits. Do not leave the uneated fruit in the cage for more than six hours; bacteria will start forming on it as the fruit/vegetable rots.
Good snacks for hammies are carrots, peeled apples, tiny bits of cheese, cooked and unseasoned meats (LEAN beef, chicken), tiny bits of hard boiled eggs (very rarely), celery, corn, cooked potato, and broccoli. Make sure you clean everything well because organisms that can cause wet tail can be transmitted on fresh fruit and veg. Do not feed too many fresh fruit and veg because it can cause diarrhea in hamsters and contribute to wet tail as well.
I would recommend a pellet diet supllemented with raw unsalted sunflower seeds, yogurt drops, seed sticks (crushed into pieces, only a couple pieces a week), cooked meat once or twice a week, and fresh fruit or veg once or twice a week.
i feed mine the original recipe of gerbil abd hamster food from hartz brand. small pieces of mini carrots and sliced grape w/o seeds are good too
hamster food
banana chips
small amount of peanut butter
pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds
meal worms
spaghetti straw
black berries
dog biscuits
yogurt balls
hope this help oh can you give someone the best answer. and the pellets that are died like pink blue can cause cancer,
Do you mean treats or just regular eating food? Anyway, these are some TREATS that are fine for hamsters. Broccoli, carrots, grapes, kiwi, starfruit, cabbage, and just about any fruit or vegetable. My Chinese Dwarf Hamster likes broccoli the most.
Fiesta-Hamster%26gerbil food
that's about it.

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