Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some signs of a pregnant hamster ??

A hamsters pregnancy only lasts 14-16 days, so you'll know by then! But, if you want to know before that time, then just watch her carefully. You'll notice she'll build a 'nest' constructed of shavings, and she will hide food underneath it. Also, her belly will get really fat. Here is some pictures of pregnant hamsters:
Don't worry, if she's with a male, then you know she's pregnant! Here is how to tell a hamster's pregnant:
It is very difficult to tell if a hamster is pregnant until 2-3 days before she gives birth. At this time you will notice her storing lots of her food in her nest, and building a nice big comfortable nest for the babies. Her teets will be very noticeable now and her stomach will become much wider. A hamster's gestation is only 16 days, so if you think your hamster might be pregnant, you will know within 16 days. For more information go to Breeding.
CAUTION: Hamsters eat their babies if you scare them!
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
You really can't tell until they start getting fat.
There stomach will get larger
Baby hamsters falling out the hamster va-jay-jay.
When the baby hamster's are coming out between her legs?
nausea, fatigue, sore breasts... oh wait. i dunno
She constantly berates the male hamster.
Will bite you no matter what, gets really fat, builds a nest, eats a lot, is agressive with others.
Generally rapid weight gain, more cranky behaviour and building a nest are signs of a pregnant hamster.
Also have you seen your hamster mate? Gestation period is just over 2 weeks. Then she will have the babies.
Another Hamster has been (I quote one of my favourite singers peaches, This is sung in the view of your hamster)
"Sucking on my titis, like your wanting me, calling me all the time"
If that sheds any light (again here comes the thumbs down, because most people dont know who peaches is -.-)
Get a hamster pregnancy test at your local pet store. Ha, jk. Yeah you pretty much have to wait until she start getting fat and her nipples get big to prepare for feeding the little furballs.
it will start sh*ting out little hamsters.
It wakes up every day with morning sickness
It is hard to tell until they have the babies.
if it sleeps on its stomach and its feet dont touch the ground, then shes pregnant.
I had a rodent and when she got pregnant she was sleeping a lot more than usual
It's really hard to tell as their pregnancy is so short - about 20 days from what I can remember but I might be wrong! If you think your hamster could be pregnant, make sure she has plenty of food and fresh water, you could give her fruit and veg too. Make sure you don't bother her too much once she starts to show but still give her lots of attention like feeding her fruit etc through the bars and talking to her. Once she gives birth just leave her completely alone as if she smells your scent on the babies she may kill them and eat them (as minging as that sounds!). It might be worth gettin a book out the library on the topic so you know what you're in for! Good luck xx
If she has been with a male, she is most likely pregnant. But there is a chance that she isn't. Here are some examples of the behavoir and changes of a pregnant hamster that will help you determine whether she is or not:
-- She will start digging a nest. A pregnant hamster builds a nest in one corner of the cage, and will usually take most of the bedding and put it in that corner.
-- A pregnant hamster will be noticibly fatter than usual. By about 4 days before birth, you will start to notice a larger bump in her stomach.
-- Do this CAREFULLY: Pick the hamster up and feel her stomach. If you feel things like small, slightly oval shaped balls in her tummy, than she is pregnant. These will start to move as she gets closer to birth.
-- If none of these things show up right away, they will soon. A hamsters gestation period is 14-16 days.
Good Luck!
there would be a fat tummy.

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