Saturday, May 22, 2010

What are some important things to know about a syrian hamster?

Please if someone already mentioned something you are going to say, don't repeat it!! I'm a new hamster owner and i just wanna know!! Thanx!
Female Syrians who become old and have never had babies are prone to get Uterine Infections. One day they will just start passing blood through their girlie parts. Can be fixed very rarely if you get them to a vet ASAP for some Baytril antibiotics and then TLC. I had 2 hammy girls who were about 3 go this way, it was horrible.
Find a vet nearby that handles small animals. Also find another one if needed that is open 24 hours (like a vet hospital). Keep the numbers handy just in case.
Get a Hamster run about ball and they love it. But note here many hamsters die because owners forget their hammies are out or from falls from stairs in the balls or from knocking themselves too hard against the wall. Solution: HammyTrak - kind of looks like a big plastic Hot Wheels track that you snap together and then you can let your hammy have a safe run on the track with no worries. Never leave hammy in the ball for more than 20 minutes. they can get dehyrdated
Hamsters can die from being too hot or too cold or in a place too drafty.
get a hamster guide book at your local bookstore and read it
join some hamster message boards for help and for information MSN and Yahoo have them. Myspace has them.
They tend to bite
They sleep during the day, so play with them at night.
They get verry upset when you take out the wheel at night because it squeeks.
They love fruits and veggies
They live about 3 years
Never use cedar bedding
Too many sunflower seeds make them fat
They hate other hamsters
you cant put 2 syrians together.
they dont bite unless scared
they are fun to play with and look like furballs.
they like to explore and chew on things so give them chew toys to wear down their teeth and keep it healthy.
I have a female Syrian hamster firstly my hamster does not bite,as for sleeping yes they do sleep in the day but not all day as mine can be very active climbing her cage,the wheel being taken out false.
My hamster will eat fruit/veg,they are known to live up to 5yrs.
As for bedding i use hamster sawdust,Sunflowers are true high in protein.
Two Syrian hamsters can only be placed together only in a neutral cage for breeding as they will not stand for each other causing fights.
I keep my hamster active with chews to help with the teeth.
well i had a syrian hamster for four years but she died this winter. i learned that if you wake it up at times during the day to play with them or feed them or cuddle them then they are less likley to wake up at night and this is good especially if they stay in your room. when handling them you may also want to check their tail to make sure its not wet...because this coud mean they hav a disease called wet tail which is deadly...but don't get it confused wih urine...u'll know if its urine because it smells.good luck
they are solitary, they love to run in their exercise balls. they love fresh veggies and fruits. you will learn which ones yours likes, thru trial and error. They don't like to be disturbed when they are sleeping. And if frightened they will make a squealing sound.

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