Monday, May 24, 2010

What cage is better a tank or cage for my rats?

I am gettin two female rats so should i use a tank or cage
A cage, for sure. Rats like to climb up and down the bars of their cage, which is obviously not possible with a tank. Also, two rats will urinate a lot, so they will need good air circulation. Tanks will get filled with ammonia. Also, cages are a lot easier to clean because they have detachable trays.
The cage should be as tall vertically as you can make it. Again, this is because rats love to climb. I use ferret or rabbit cages for my rats, because they come with multiple stories and lots of ladders. A ferret cage like this: is ideal for rats.
Good luck. My bottomline advice: don't get a tank. They will not be happy.
Go for a nice wire cage with at least two levels. You would need at least a 10 gallon + tank for two full grown rats and that's just way too heavy to move to clean. Wire cages allow for better ventilation as well.
The cage I have for mine is 30x30x14 with three levels and I think it's the perfect size for my two rats, but it takes a lot of room, so it's understandable to need a cage that's a little smaller.
A cage, a multi-level one if you can afford it. Just be sure that the spaces between the wires aren't big enough for the rats to escape out of--rabbit cages are unsuitable for rats, for instance, because the wires are spaced too far apart.
They'll enjoy climbing on the wires, and the ventilation will be better. Remember, plastic-bottomed cages are the ideal--with a wire-bottom cage, rats can get bumblefoot.
It depends how big your pets are. If they are babies or pretty small, don't get a cage unless the bars are very close together, or else the pet might squeeze through (it's what happened to me). If the rodent is pretty big, then get a cage.
A tank is for rodents that are pretty small and that they'd sqeeze through cage bars. When my hamster had babies, we put the babies and the mother in the tank. Does that help?
I had one named Stella I bought a cage and he chewed the metal and got out. When I got him a tank he loved it more space and I had latchs for the lid so he couldnt open it.
As the first 2 answers said, a cage is better.
Tanks offer very poor ventalation which can lead to many medical issues. Tanks also give nothing to climb on, rats are climbers, runners and jumpers.
Cages offer optimal ventalation, climbin, jumping and running room.
You should look for an all wire cage with a solid metal bottom. That way they cannot chew through it.
PetSmart has great cages for this. For 2 females, they have an all white wire cage with a purple bottom. It has 3 levels and plenty of space for them. It's very easy to hang toys and comfy beds in.
It costs about $40, but it's well worth it. I have never had an escape problem with these cages and they last the rats life time and then some.
There are a lot of web sites with cages that are great too. If you look around you can find some great things for rats. (Don't use a ferret cage, they are good for adult male rats, but even then it's questionable because most rats can get out of the spaces easily. My biggest adult female can get out of the ferret cages in about 3 seconds.)
I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!!
cage because it is more comfortable!
well i have two female rats and they live in a 50 gal. tank and they are quite happy in it i know they are expensive but they work great but you could also use a cage for ferrets or chinchillas
I would reccomend a cage!!
A glass tank does not give very good ventalation where a cage would. Plus rats love to climb and a cage allows them to do this

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