Monday, May 24, 2010

What cage for a guinea pig?

this is an update on my other question sort of. i want to get a skinny pig (hairless guinea pig) and i was wondering if they got any bigger than a regular haired cavy, because i saw one in the petstore that was way bigger than my cavy (maybe my cavy was small?)
also is this cage size big enough for one? (in inches) 42 L x 18 W x 24.5 H around there, please answer
does anyone know any web sites i could get a hairless piggy for under $60 because the ones here are $64 and i think thats kind of expensive thanks
I think MemphisGal is wrong.. well ye they do require more care but they are as healthy as a regular guinea pig just with no fur. If your mother cant have a fur guinea pig and u want one than get it. But you will have to spend more money than just 60$, you need suplies, vet bills, and ect. So if u can only spend 60$ dollers than dont buy a guinea pig because it needs proper care that costs more that $60 dollers. But I am a fan of guinea pigs and I think a skinny pig is as great as a regular one but u have to be sure to keep there skin clean and not be to cold or warm
I have two guinea pigs and I'm pretty sure that's roughly the size of their cage and it works great! So that shouldn't be a problem. On sizes I'm not sure so why don't you try googling it and see what you come up with? So sorry I don't know any websites either but once again, try googling. But $4 shouldn't make any difference. If you don't mind paying $60 for one then you shouldn't mind paying $4 more. Good luck with it all and I hope you find a good one.
Hailess pigs have VERY strict requirements. They have to have a heat source to keep warm and are riddled with sickness. Please don't buy one or support the breeding of this kind of pig (or any pig). Hairless pigs have only 1/2 the life span of a normal pig and you will spend 2-3+ times as much on vet bills.
If you have done the research, then you know how horrible it is for these little guys to even exist. They are sickly little guys who live less than half the life span of a normal pig, that's when taken care of perfectly.
If you decide to adopt a skinny pig, just be prepared.

That size cage is too a tad too small. You need at least 36" by 30" for one pig.
yes that cage would work
That cage is plenty big!! Even 41 by 20
would be good!! Your piggy is probably
Hope I helped
~Good luck!
$64 is kind of expensive? Are you prepared to spend HUNDREDS on possible vet bills? Ask yourself that question seriously, and ask your mom, because she's the one who'll probably have to pay them. If the answer is no, don't get the guinea pig.
*they are as healthy as a regular guinea pig just with no fur*
Laughter P, what is your basis for this answer? Go over to GuineaLynx and ask the vet techs and guinea rescues what their experience with hairless pigs is, and I can guarantee they will tell you they are not as healthy.
The hairlessness is a (deliberatly bred) genetic defect, and because of it their immune systems are not as strong as the furred variety. Skin cancer rates are sky high. I don't believe I've ever heard of a Skinny that lives more than a few years (average lifespan for a guinea is 5 to 7).

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