Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are some fruits and veggies I can feed my dwarf hamsters?

I have two female Russian Dwarf Hamsters and I was curious about what kinds of fruits and vegetables I could give them to munch on every so often, like treats, or if there is a specific food that they usually tend to favor ...?
no one here is addressing the fact that u have a dwarf hamster. do not feed them fruits. they are prone to diabetes so it's best to not feed them fruit at all. watch out for sugar content in treats too. good veggies are broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, spinach. all uncooked of course. they all have diferent preferences so u will find what they like best.
no iceberg lettuce, no citrus for any hamsters.
about a 1/2 in piece every other day to start. daily is fine once they get used to it.
probably carrots and apples.
Nothing with sharp edges - such as seeds.
We fed ours a store bought hamster mix. See below.
Carrots is good.
Fruits tend to rot to fast and cause a mess, but slices and then clean up real fast.
lettuce, i don't really know i never had a hamster before. so you should look it up in wikipedia or another reference site. good luck! peace!
You could give them bits of lettuce, apples, and carrots. My hamsters really enjoyed them! 脺
Any fruit or veg they will love especially apples and lettuce.
carrots apples oranges
apples, dried fruits of most any kind except strawberrys and kiwi, they could have a allergic reaction to thes fruits, green beans, potato's ,cucumbers, most ant veggie except tomato's ( too much acid is not good for them
Any vegie will be fine except onion and other spicy foods!
Below is a link to a forum that tells probably the most specific list your are going to get. Just start scrolling down on it and you will see everything you want to know. Good Luck!
you can give them carrots,beats,celery but not the stems,cooked rice,and radishes you can give the lettuce but it has no nutrition value that's all i can think of so good luck
You can feed your hamsters some carrots, lettuce broccoli,cauliflower, snow peas, but go easy on the lettuce don't feed that to much because it would blote them up.
iceberg lettuce
.pretty much any kitchen scraps.
Carrots are excellent. Do not give them Celery. They also like nuts.. Lettuce is good but not to much Cabbage. Raw potatoes, small amounts of Sweet Potatoes. Of course Apples are good. Be careful about sweets. Hamsters can become obese very easily and they do not absorb sugar very quickly. It stays in their systems quite awhile. Also do not give them a lot of Tomatoes. Thr Acid in Tomatoes can be bad for them. Remember moderation is the rule of thumb. Be sure to give them "chew sticks" so that they will keep their teeth gnawed down. You can get these at the Pet Store. The boxed Hamster Food should be their Primart diet. It has all the Vitamins and Nutrients that they need to be healthy. The extra Fruits and Veggies should be given more as "treats" and not a substitution for their regular food. Good Luck...

1 comment:

  1. Dwarf hamsters should NEVER have fruit, corn CARROTS , peas or ANY CITRUS OR ACIDIC FOOD ( TOMATO, ONION ETC.) Dwarfs are very prone to diabetes and ask fruits and a lot of veg have too much natural sugar. Also, watermelon can cause severe DIARRHEA. Some things that are good for them are boiled or baked chicken or ground beef ( not to much) thoroughly washed after cooking to remove excess grease. Also for snacks whole grain cheerios, whole grain bread, plain sugar free yougurtd plain soft tofu. Also a bit if mild cheese here and there. Romaine lettuce and spinach and unsalted/no butter popcorn or peanuts. Good luck, dwarf hamsters require different diet and care than other non-dwarfs.
