Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weird hamster question?

i saw a cage of hamstes at the pet store and they all had really large protruding butts that looked really uncomfortable. what the heck is the big butt? ive never seen it on a hamster before
Yes, I would agree that this is probably genitals! Male hamsters tend to have very large genital areas, which can protrude quite a lot! Also, in different species, they can be a lot larger. Male Syrian hamsters tend to have the largest. Chinese hamsters also have vary large genital areas in comparison to their overall body mass.
its the genitals.
you were looking at male hamsters,the big butts are their testicles,that makes their rear ends look big.
they were mooning you, you dunce
those were males. and that big butt was their balls hanging out.
those are butts, they're balls
what you were looking at was a male hamster, I use to work at a petstore so I should know. I use to feel really sorry for them because they were always draging with bedding stuck to em.
they were males, those were their ummm balls!!
he he he, yeah... everyone here knows... rodents testicles can be enormous in comparison to their overall body size. I remember walking behind my rat with an antibiotic wipe cause he was draggin his boyz on my floor... but thats what they do.
if i'm not mistaken, this also leaves a scent trail, for marking territory.
they r probably all males

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