Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are all the equipment hamsters need?

The basics to get started:
Cage-no aquiarium, should be wire with a metal or plastic bottom. Plenty of room to roam around in...preferably a cage big enough or with enough sections to have food in one area, bed in one area, a wheel and exercise area.
Water bottle-If the cage is wire, you can get one that hangs on the outside, it makes changing easy and they cannot chew on it. the water should be changed daily...
Food Dish-It should be heavy so they cannot tip it over and play with it, or get one that attaches to the cage.
Food-A Hamster/Gerbil comercial pelleted diet works best, just make sure they have fresh food in the cage at all times.
Chews-Hamsters need to gnaw(it's an instinct to gnaw on things and it helps keep thier teeth from over growing ) wood chew sticks are great for them to play with and satisfy their chewing needs.
Cage Bedding-The cage should have Aspen bedding on the bottom...NO PINE AND NO CEDAR these are toxic to small can use recycled newspaper beddings, but I have found aspen chips to be easier to clean and they keep the smell down better...
Bedding-Hamsters like to make a cozy bed area to sleep in, you should give them bedding materials, such as cotton or bits of cloth.
Everything else arent things that you really need, they are extra, like an exercise/run around ball, treats (fresh fruits and veggies are better than store bought treats) ect.
I hope this helps..GOOD LUCK!!
The like things to hide under so maybe buy him a hut to sleep under and play on. Also they like things to chew on so chew toys which you can buy at a pet store. Thats all I've ever put in my hamsters cages for them to play with.They need a cage(obviously), bedding, food bowl, food, water bottle and water in it. Hope I helped. Have fun with you little hammie!
A hamster cage (it depends on what kind of hamster that you are getting, if you are getting a dwarf, a terrarium or a cage with 1 level, would be great, but, if you getting a syrian, golden, teddy bear hamster ect. then a cage with more then 1 level would be great!).
A food dish
A water bowl or water bottle
Toys (chew toys, climbing toys ect.).
Mineral Block
Litter Box (optinal)
Litter (if you decide to get the litter box!).
Wheel (unless the cage comes with one!).
This is pretty much all that you need! If you have any more questions about hamsters, you can email me at:! Thanks, and i hope that this answers your question!
a ten-gallon aquarium to nest, sleep, and "go" with a wire cage attached on top for playing, running on wheels, and socializing is a very good home- easy to clean, enough space... and only around $40- $45 dollars. A wire cage or an aquarium ALONE is ok too but they will LOVE the extra space if you give it to them.
1. Home (tank or cage- or both put together)
2. Food and Bedding with a fresh supply of water daily
3. A wheel- they need to exersice
4. some toys to gnaw on and play with- you can give Gerbils cardboard to chew on and play with but I'm not sure about amsters...
5. Some chinchilla dust to bathe them in
(Fresh food and water daily, either from 2 bowls or a bowl and a water bottle, clean the cage in scolding water and give them a chinchilla bath every week... Play with them daily.)
Good Luck! ;-)
1. a cage. [plastic or wired]
2. cage litter.
2. a water bottle [a must]
3. a food dish [that won't tip over, try a glass one]
4. a wheel. [so it will exercise inside cage]
5. a ball. [so it can exercise on the floor, keep it in for 20mins]
6. Food. [mixed seeds]
7. Yogurt treats [they come in strawberry,vanilla,honey..etc]
8. Some little toys that they can naw on.
9. You can get a little house for them also if you want.
10. A litter box, if you want it trained to just go in there.
11. wood chunks [so they can chew on it]

12. you can also get a chinchilla dish %26 sand.
[put the sand in the chinchilla dish]
They can have sand baths, they don't need water baths, unless its necessary.

Hope that helps =]

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