Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are guinea pigs like?

I have rats right now. I love rats. They have great personalities and are the smartest rodents. However, they only have a life span of about 2 years and it is very hard to have your pet die that often. Anyways, I was thinking of getting a guinea pig instead since they tend to live longer. What are they like. Are they friendly like rats. Do they have cute personalities.
You will need to consider a few things before getting a pig. Space, time, money for food and vet bills all need to be thought about.
Pet store cages are wayy to small for any guinea pig. A C%26C cage is easy to make, cheaper, and much bigger and better gor your pig. has instructions on making your own or ordering a premade one. DO NOT use cedar chips for bedding like someone previously suggested. They are very harmful to your gp. GuineaLynx has bedding ideas.
Diet is very important: Quality pellets (no extra colorful bit or seeds) are essential. Oxbow is a good brand pellet. At least a cup of fresh veggies every day. Unlimited timothy hay 24/7. Vitmain c supplements. has more diet details.
* Vitman C should not be put in the water. It weakens in water and you can't measure how much the guinea pig gets a day. Use vit.C drops or chewable tablets.
Guinea pigs need daily floor/exercise time in a safe place. At least an hour a day is best. Since GP are social animals, it's best to have 2 so that they will have company all the time. Be sure they are the same sex though. Pregnancies are very dangerous for piggies.
Also, please consider adopting your pig instead of buying one. There are sooooo many great, healthy guinea pigs that need homes in shelters and rescues all over the country. Pets stores usually sell unhealthy pigs that have been poorly taken care of. will help you find a pig in your area.
Guinea pigs are friendly,cute,cuddly, and very soft. My guinea pig loves to explore. =]
they are very cute, but very different. i had both and they are easier to look after but not nearly as intelligent. they much easier to have out aswell well, they cant climb and can bearly jump. they make the sweetest noises tho. i prefered the rats, they seemed to have more personality.
they are nice, cute, gentle, and loving. i have 4 guinea pigs and they are nice to people and get used to others easily.
Once they have gotten used to you (can take months) they can be very snuggly and lovey.
They are the best pets EVER!! And yes they do have great personalities! I have two females and my little baby guinea pig, Emma LOVES me but hates my mom . So yeh they do tend to love you ALOT!! Also they don't bite but if you get a baby then they mite nibble just to see what is infront of them. I suggest that you do ALOT of research befor you get one . I did and my piggies are in heaven!
Their FRIENDLIER then rats! I have 2 piggies at home and they just love to cuddle! Guinea pigs are still pretty smart and they are very gentle, as well. Their life span is 5-8 years, depending on if you give them the proper care or not. Guinea pigs need: a LARGE cage, (Not a cheap one from the petstore) timothy hay, GUINEA PIG pellet food, water and bottle, a food dish that cannot be tipped over, ASPEN or SPRUCE bedding, (No pine or cedar) and fruits and vegetables provided every night. (for supper) If you want, you can get them a house/shelter and wood chew blocks, to trim down their teeth. PLEASE DON'T BUY A LEASH OR EXERCISE BALL FOR YOUR GUINEA PIG! These are extremely dangerous, and can cause severe spinal injuries.
In general, guinea pigs are affectionate, playful, easy-going and cuddly, and in my mind, they are the best rodents in the world!
Hope I helped! Good luck!
everyone that says theyre great are totally right! they each have an idividual personality and they make the cutest noises. if you get one (better yet for the piggie, two) then here are site you need to read
if you need more sites (trust me, i have more) or any questions feel free to ask me at

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