Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are good treats for a guinea pig?

Besides guinea pig food and hay what can they eat? Like Fruit/Vegetable/Etc. wise?
Veggies include Romaine, curly green or red lettuces, endive, escarole, radicchio, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, carrots, squash, bell pepper (any color) or cut up (one-inch) pieces of celery.
Fruits such as an apple slice, an orange slice, bits of banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, cherries (no pits) or cut up seedless grapes can be given as an occasional treat. Do not feed these every day, as they are high in sugar.
Things NOT to feed: Potato, onion, or any type of bulb vegetable. Iceberg lettuce gives them diarrhea. Make sure all seeds are removed from any fruit given to your piggies, as they can be poisonous. Do not give them any type of dairy products. Pigs are strict herbivores. No yogurt treats, seed treats, or food with colored bits.
My guinea pigs loved these yogurt-fruit-nuts balls. It was a medium sized packet, available in Walmart, it was fun to watch them when I would tap the side of the cage, they knew what was coming, chuttering up to the side and sitting up to beg for the treats, they're hilarious!
carrots , vegetables , apples, nuts ,dandlelion leaves
my piggy loves lettuce and carrots and the occasional piece of not too sugary fruit. There are special treats u can buy for them. u can also give them unsweetend cheerios or corn flake!
YOu can feed your GP vegs, grasses, friuts, crackers, nuts, hay, alfalfa, there are "treats" you can but @ da store. Spoil her/him
do NOT feed you gp yogurt or nuts. they are strict herbavores
yogies u can buy thenm at pet co they are really bcheap and i have five ginny pigs and all of them like the yogies and they are made with real yogert so they are go for their health
for a treat i give mi guinea [ig a salad that consists of fresh clovers black berry's and strawberries. but u can use apples celery carrotsand lots of other fruits and veggies
Fruits should be used as treats only due to their high sugar content, they need fresh produce twice a day. Their diet should be varied to some extent and they should be getting enough vitamin c. Are you using tablet supplements to give them vitamin c? If not then you need to provide it through their fresh produce. Below is a list of vegetables and fruits that can be fed. Below this is a site which has a list of vegetables and fruits that can be fed and how much you need of each food item to get the 10mg they need each day:
Apple (seedless) (5.70)
Asparagus (13.20)
Basil (18.00)
Beet Greens
Broccoli (93.20)
Brussel Sprouts (85.00)
Cabbage (32.20)
Cantaloup Melon
Carrots (9.30), Baby Carrots (8.40)
Carrot Tops
Cauliflower leaves and stalks (88.10)
Celery (7.00)
Chicory Greens (24.00)
Chinese Parsley
Corriander greens
Cucumber (5.30)
Endive (6.50)
Garden Cress
Honeydew Melon
Kale (120.00)
Kiwi Fruit (98.00)
Mustard greens
Orange (71.00)
Parsley (133.00) - a good tonic
Parsnip (17.00)
Peas (40.00)
Red Cabbage (57.00)
Red Chard
Romaine Lettuce (24.00)
Savoy Cabbage (31.00)
Spinach (28.10)
Swiss Chard
Tangerine (30.80)
Tomatoes (variable dependent on variety and season)
Turnip Greens (60.00)
Tuscan Cabbage
Water Cress
Some vegetables and herbs that should not be fed are:
Potato and Potato Tops
Rhubarb and Rhubarb Leaves
Tomato leaves
Tamarillo leaves
Good Luck!!

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