Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are some easy, entertaining tricks I can teach my rat/rodent?

As I stated in an earlier question, I am getting two new baby boy rats in November, and I want to teach them some stuff that will really make them look like the best ratties ever! I don't have much spare time with my scheadule, so I want some easy ones that we can both enjoy. Please explain how to do the tricks you state.
There are some good easy tricks on the site at:
I would have never thought of teaching my ratty to come when I call him as a trick or as possible either, but the directions on the site are very clear. I think my Rattie will like any trick-learning that includes a treat and I do have a ladder that I bought him that I wasn't sure what to do with that I will give a try now.
I liked the tricks on that site so much that I took a look at the ones here:
and there's more advice here and some tricks that sound like they'd be fun to have him know.
Thanks for asking this question--you've given me some new stuff to try I wouldn't have thought of.
train them to sit on your shoulder. They will be afraid at first so offer little treats. Keep one at a time their for a few minutes each day gardually building up the time.
Lots of affection and treats usually gets the best from your pets.
i taut my hamster his name, you have to repeat it to him all the time until he gets it you can do this with rats. i also taut him to come out when i pull open his door i just say to him "door" and tap it and he comes. all you have to do really is use a bit of action and repetition.

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