Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weird Guinie Pig??

My guinie pig keeps jumping around her cage like a rabbit,and she pees and poops on us while we are holding her? Is that normal?
yes the jumping around like that is called popcorning %26 means that your guinea pig is happy content, as far as the peeing %26 pooping while holding her..she is nervous %26 needs to get used to you..a great link for all important info on the care of guinea pigs is gives ideas for habitats %26 what you need to be feeding %26 not feeding your guinea pig..use the internet there is a ton of great info out there
First of all, it's spelled "guinea pig." Second, YES IT'S NORMAL!! Piggys aren't potty trained, so they just go when they have to go. And no, you can't potty train them. And when your piggy jumps around, she's just letting out some energy. Try getting her a rodent leash and let her run around your room or something like that. You don't have to get her a wheel, though. Piggys are fine without wheels.
yes it is sort of like having a bird
My guinea pigs pooped and peed on me all the time when I first got them, but once they got used to me they stopped. I'm not sure about the jumping thing, though.
Oh and in response to twelveroyallane or however you spell it, DO NOT get your guinea pig a wheel!! It is not something they don't need, it is something they shouldn't have at all! It can lead to serious back problems, they are not meant to bend that way, though other small animals are fine with wheels.
Your guinea pig is totally fine. And to the person who responded to twelveroyaltylane, she never said that guinea pigs need wheels. She said "...don't get your piggy a wheel. Guinea pigs are fine without wheels."
i agree with pippi u shouldnt get a wheel, ball or leash for ur guinea pig. they can do seriouse damage to its back. the jumping is called popcorning. it means ur guinea pig is happy. also if ur guinea pig is young then thats why it pees and poops on u. as she gets older she will let u know when she needs to be put back in her cage to 'go'. congrats on ur happy piggy.
yes its fine its just letting out a bit of enery they do get hyper to yano. you can get guniea pig balls you no which means you wont lose them. you can also put them in a guniea proof room and let them run about mine love that they chase eachother and jump around like little headers lol.
they eat their own poor just to let you know that is normal its just to get the nutriants out of it.
and them peeing and pooing on you is just summit your going to have to get used to lol just dnt hold them after giving them a drink hold them before you feed and drink them it should help that a bit xx
PS you can toilet train them its just very very hard work as i toilet trained ne of mine xxx
yes its normal for a guinea pig to jump around its cage its called popcorning and its normal for it to pee or poop on you cause its just nervous
It is normal for them to pee on you so I usually use a box or towel to put them in to see them. I also have a bunny who hops around his cage. It is normal.
The jumping is a good thing. Popcorning happens when your piggie is very happy. Young pigs tend to popcorn more and higher than older pigs. They also pee and poop, most don't care when or where. Luckily, both my boys let me know when they need to go by nipping my fingers or clothes. I know that means they need to go to their cage for a few minutes to go potty.
** just a few responses to other answers- no wheels, leashes or exercise balls . Guinea pigs' bodies are not intended to be used in such things and can seriously be hurt.
The jumping is normal it indicates a happy piggy. The correct terminology for it is popcorning and usually occurs more in younger guinea pigs. As for the pooping and peeing on you, that could mean that she is scared but as she ages she should do it less and less. 1 of my girls was so relaxed chewing on a piece of parsley that she peed on me!! Now a days they tell me when they want to go back to pee or poo by giving me a gentle nip.

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