Saturday, May 9, 2009

Swollen pet rat neck. What do i do?

The bottem of my rats neck is swollen... she sqiurems when i touch it and makes sounds so im guess it hurts her... it feels empty though... any ideas?
If it is painful to her then it's more likely an abscess. This would be the best case scenerio as I have succeeded in ridding my rats of abscesses by the use of holistics without resorting to surgery. I will pass this info onto you if you want it.
Could be a subaceous cyst. Not painful, they just look ugly. I have learned how to exude these myself when they come to a head. I can give you instructions. You will know it's time when a scab forms on the lump. The contents is a firm cheesy material. Then I use holistics to help heal it. These cysts occure more frequently on male rats because males produce an oily substance from the subaceous gland, affectionately known as "buck grease". In the 200 rats I've had so far, only 3 females have ever gotten these cysts. Sometimes a cyst becomes very firm and surgery is required for it's removal.
Could be a tumor. Mammary tumors are not painful but they can grow quickly. They feel like jelly and move slightly under the skin.
Could be SDA, but she would be feeling poorly in other ways.
Please get back to me ( after your vet has made a diagnosis. I have had a great deal of success in dealing with the nastiest abscesses by holistic means. Anytime you can avoid surgery for your rat, the better. Rats do not always survive their surgeries.
Or if you don't have a rat-savvy vet you can talk to rat-knowledgable people at my group, Holistarat, to get an abundance of conventional and holistic help for your rat. There are professionals at this group.
Y!A is not a bad place to ask your ratty health questions. There are 4 rat experts here, including myself. Many of us don't have a rat-savvy vet, even though I have on occasion had to take a rat in, so hundreds of rat-keepers, I'm one of them, have come to rely on the experts at the rat-only forums. I answer questions here at Y!A, and I try to guide the asker to another more reliable resource for rat information. On the rat-only forums you will never get an answer like, "kill it".
"my life has gone to the rats"
thats a tumor it will spread i had a rad and it kept getting those It eventully popped and another grew back get it to the vet before its too late!!
Yahoo!Answers does not replace the qualified expertise of a veterinarian. Please have her examined.
Shes a girl it probably a tumor.
My girl just had a similar problem - a lump on the bottom of her neck. We took her to the vet because we were afraid it was a cyst. The vet poked her lump with a syringe and when no liquid came out, she said it was probably a tumor. She said rats are VERY prone to tumors and to leave it alone until it grew too large and was a hinderance to her normal activity. She said we shouldn't chance having surgery for it just yet because there was a risk of her ***dying from the anestesia***.
So we took her home and monitored the lump. About a week went by and whatever was in her neck seemed to surface. At first we thought it could be a bot fly because there was a hard, dark brown lump poking through her skin. We caught her, held her head back under her jaws, and my boyfriend was able to squeeze out a firm, puss-like mass. I'd done some prior research when we'd discorvered the lump and it looked like it was one of these (graphic, be warned
With YOUR rat, go see a vet. Call around for the best prices/locations. The first place we called wanted $50 to see her, the second place was $25 - much more reasonable.
Good luck with your girl, I hope she's better soon. =(
it might be an abcess or a tumor
take her to the vet

Switching my hamster to a new cage?

My syrian girl has been living in her cage with bars (a critter trail cage) for over a year now, ever since I got her. The problem is, she chews the bars constantly and refuses to chew any toys instead. I know this is bad for her teeth and her health in general.
I have been thinking about switching her over to a larger aquarium style cage, but don't know how she would adjust. I'm worried that she would freak out and hate it since she has been living in her cage for so long already. I really don't want to stress her out or make her sick, but I think she deserves more space.
Any serious advice would be appreciated!
You are right. People think that hamsters chew the bars of the cage to grind their teeth down. This is infact wrong. Their commercial diet food mix will do this for them. They chew the bars of their cage because they are bored and studies have found that this can actually cause brain damage in your hamster.
She will adjust to her new home but it will take time. Aquariuma are not the most ideal house for a hamster. I know my hamster would go crazy in there ( but then he does not chew the bars of his cage) Barred cages give the feeling of more freedom where they can climb and fresh are is ventilated through the whole cage. Aquariums feel more restricted.
But your hammie sounds fine, if she is alarmed or scared she would be squealing, hissing or grinding her teeth which she is not doing. Although mine would not like an aquarium, its certainly not to say that your baby wont either. Syrians are pretty laid back so with a few days she will be settled in. Your a responsible pet owner. I wish more people would realise chewing the bars of the cage is really dangerous.
She should have no problem adjusting. Just make sure her food, toys, water, wheel, and chews get moved with her :)
it shouldnt hurt the hamster to swich cages, if your worried about space with the tank, they make these wire tops that go on a 10g tank that almost tripples the living space
nah, she'll be fine. most hamsters adjust to things farily well. just don't put many toys in at first...let her have the run of the cage...make sure she has fresh water and food. all my hamsters lived in aquariums and they liked it...just make sure you get her out of the cage at least a few minutes a day so she can get some fresh air.
Meh. Don't worry about it. I need to switch my hamster and mice around aaallll the time. See, I take care of mice getting fed to my snake. I have two mice that I keep as breeders, so I don't have to keep running to the pet store. When my female, Mary, is preggers and nursing, I move my male, Willard, into my hamster's (Kojak)cage. Despite the change in habitat, they do great, although Willard naturally gets a bit freaked out when I pick him up to switch him. After the babies are grown up, I move them to a seperate cage and move Willard back in with Mary. Awww!
my hamster chews on the bars of her cage to there really is no problem with it and if you get another cage she is just going to do the same thing because she wants out of the cage and if you do put her in a new cage just leave her alone for a few days!!!
Shes probably chewing the bars because she wants more room. put the cage exactly how it was last time and leave her alone for at least 2 days. if that is not working then spend time with her put her in the ball , (if you don't have get one). then she will be happy once more

Supprise! You've got hamsters! - HELP!?

Well, my sister bought a cute baby teddybear hamster a couple weeks ago. The hamster had a wonderful habit of making nests in a tube wheel at the top of her cage. Today my sister came home from work and found 2 babies in the wheel nest!
So now what does she do? The babies are stuffed in a little tube (the wheel) and no where near the water supply or food. They have no way to leave the tube when they do get old enough to get their own food as they will need to climb up to the tube.
My sister has blocked the rotation of the wheel so mommy doesnt send them flying, but she isnt supposed to move the nest or change the bedding, but they will likely not survive in this poor location.
If you are knowledgable about hamster gestation and infant care, your suggestions would be appreciated. Perhaps useful links as well?
Nothing to worry about. The mother brings them the food and water - as mammals, hamsters nurse their young. Keep the mom fed and watered, and the babies will get plenty of milk. She will also move them to another location if she finds the current one is a problem. They will be able to get out of the tube. For now, just leave them be.
what u need to do is let the mom be the mom she has everything they will need till they get big enough to do it on there own she has milk just like all females and when they need food she has a big enough cheeks to bring them some if need be trust me she put them there for a reason
Tell the mom hamster she has to move. Evixt her from that spot. Or make her pay rent
All I know is, don't touch them! Or let any other hampsters come near them. Because then, the mother EATS them!! :(
There is nothing to worry about. When hamsters are getting readyto give birth they choose the safest place to do this, in your hamsters case, the tube/wheel. She has specifically chosen this area and you must not disturb her or the babys now. She has to get on with her job in peace nuturing her young. She will infact bring food and water to them, so they will not starve.
However, be aware that hamsters do eat their young if they are scared or feel in danger, so always approach the cage with caution.
well i had baby hamsters too. if they are there mom wants them there she thinks its safe, so keep them there! they dont need water when they are babies the mom supplies that for them until they get to an age they can do it theirselves. google how to take care of them i would tell you but it would take forever!
The mother will feed the hamsters herself, to help her, give her a little bread soaked in milk. I have baby hamsters at the moment.
The baby hamsters should be fine.
Just don't touch them or try to clean them out, it may stink, and may be dirty, but is more or less safe, if they get disturbed they may die. Also if it is the hamsters first litter, do not be too hopeful
The mother will bring them food and water. If they cant get out she will relize it and move them.She is a mommy she knows what she doing and if she doesnt then maybe if your sister used some gloves to move the nest and babies it would be ok.Ask a vet they may be able tohelp or even a pet shop owner.Hope this helps
You would be surprised at some of the places they have their young. Mine had her first littler on her wheel. Then her second one in the tube. And then her third one finally in the corner of the cage. She had quite a few litters before she died. The young don't need anything except their mothers milk until they get fur. If she notices they have no fur right now. When they get fur she can pick them up and move them, but mom might move them right back. They are very protective of them. I bought two and i was told I had to females and ended up with a male and a female and everytime I would go to Tunica with my mom my female would have babies. And that was about every other month.
Don't worry about anything! The mom will bring them food and water. Try not to touch the babies either or feed them yourself because the mom might eat them if she smells your scent on them.
tell her to rub her hands in used bedding in the cage and move them, only if they are in danger tho, mom will feed them

Sunflower Seed Stuck in Guinea Pig's Teeth?

My guinea pig has a fairly large, unshelled sunflower seed stuck between what appears to be its bottom teeth and bottom lip. She has also been making whimpering noises. I tried to touch the area so I could try to get rid of the sunflower seed, but she keeps moving, ducking her head and hiding her mouth from me.
Does anyone know if its possible to trance a guinea pig, or otherwise get it to hold still without scratching me to death or scaring her too badly?
Any advice appreciated!
I'm sure if it's hurting it it will remove it itself. you could try massaging the lip upwards to try to get it to move.but guinea pigs often bite.a hamster would be totally different.and I only have experience with my hamsters...sorry.
you could always call one and ask what to do...that's free!
Spend the 30-50 bucks and take it to the vet...geez
Why is going to the vet not an option? it sounds like its the ONLY option to be honest.
Just get one person with gloves on to hold her down and hold her mouth open while you try and pry it out with a toothpick. You will need to be very forceful to prevent her from squirming. Otherwise you will need anestesia and a vet visit.
Try and brush his teeth or if you know any experts who could do it ask them.
try giving your guinea pig fruit or other food might help loosen to seed
I think your best option would be to call your vet they may have a better Idea. She may get infection in her gums, If that's the case it will cost you alto more.
If you can't afford a vet, you need to rehome your guinea pig with someone who can. There's no excuse for letting your pig suffer pain when a vet could easily take the shell out.
**Guinea pigs should not have seeds of any kind for exactly this reason and the chocking factor.
not taking her to the vet is just gonna let her suffer. geez. dont be selfish
You really need to get the sunflower seed out. Get someone to help you hold the pig while you dislodge the seed. Use a thin towel or rag to cover your finger. Use your finger to swipe between the bottom lip %26 teeth to try to gently dislodge it, one swipe at a time, until it comes out.
If you can't do this, the pig should be seen be a vet to get it out. You can't just let the little pig suffer like that.
Please don't feed seeds to your pig. They should have water, hay, pellets, %26 fresh veggies only.
Totally agree with MemphisGal and Justified. This is why we don't recommend feeding anything with seeds to guinea pigs. What if it got stuck in her throat? I hope all sunflower seeds have been removed from your house.
Why is going to the vet not an option? You don't believe in taking an ill animal to the vet? If you can't afford it or don't believe in it then honestly you shouldn't have pets.

Sugar gliders?

what do sugar gliders eat ?and where can you buy them from?
are they good pets? what are they like?
NO! I have one. The breeder told me that he would be a sweet loving pet but he is not. Sugargliders are wild animals and shoud not be owned as pets. I love my glider but thats only because I have owned him for three years...he is very mean. If anyone tells you that they dont bite then they are not telling the truth. You will also hear, "After you bond with them they are sweet." I have been bonding with mine for three years and he still isn't "sweet".
Consider getting a rat instead. Rats on the other hand are very sweet loving pets.
Good luck if you do get one, who knows maybe yours will be sweet.
They reproduce quickly. The are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and up at night. They make noises and they like veggies.
This site has some good info. They are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. You do have to feed them a very varied diet. Get one from a private breeder. They are nice pets, but have a few special needs.
Really good pets... Eat fruit, crackers (no salt one a day), nuts.
I had one and it was SO cool. I had a beer once and I went to the kitchen and left the beer when i came back my sugar glider was trying to get a drink it was licking the inside of the bottle.. Of course I stop it I am not cruel...